I love doing series posts. With a series, like this Random Acts of Kindness Series, you get to delve into a topic, contemplate it, and discover the details. By the end of a series, I usually feel like I really learned something and have even grown just a little. I hope and pray you feel the same way.
For this series, we are going to dive in and soak up the topic of Random Acts of Kindness or RAK for short. We are going to cover it all! What is RAK? What is the point of RAK? Who benefits? And how does one incorporate RAK into her own family’s lives?

What is Random Acts of Kindness?
By definition, RAK is a kind act performed for no other reason except to simply make someone’s day or life a little better, brighter, and happier. At first, RAK was thought of as a spontaneous act, but now people have started planning RAK activities. With planned RAK activities, the act is random and unexpected for the recipient, but planned by the giver.
I try to incorporate both spontaneous and planned RAK moments in my life. I plan because I want showing kindness to be a priority in life. When something is a priorty, it is important enough to include it in our calendars. As a priority, I want to make sure I make time for RAK, but I also like to perform spontaneous RAK moments as well. Once you have a few RAK ideas in your head and have a little practice from planned RAK activities, you can be on the lookout for those chances to spontaneously show kindness.
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What is the Point of Random Acts of Kindness?
Reason 1
God created us all. We are all one family; everyone I meet is my brother or sister. I want my family to be happy. RAK is a great way to spread a little happiness to my brothers and sisters.
Reason 2
When we spread joy and lift someone’s spirits; then, that person is more likely to spread kindness as well. I think we all tend to be kinder when we are in a good mood. Once someone spread kindness; then, the next person might spread a little more kindness and so on and so on. Doesn’t that, little by little, make the world a better place?
By the way, one of my favorite children’s books beautifully illistrates how one small act of kindness could change the world. You can find the book in the link below:
Reason 3
We have no idea what trials and troubles a stranger is going through. Sometimes one kind word or unexpected gift could be the answer to someone’s prayer.
Reason 4
Many times the giver benefits more than the reciever. Funny how much our spirits are lifted when we lift someone else’s spirit. Sure, we all feel love for someone when THEY show us kindness, but did you know that we actually feel MORE love for someone when WE show kindness to THEM, regardless of whether they did something for us? Doesn’t love feel good? Think about the opposite. When we are negative, hurtful, and cranky, does that make us feel good? No, it hurts!!! So when we are positive, loving and kind, our hearts become even more full of love and happiness.
Okay I have another chidlren’s book recommendation that illustrates reason number 4 perfectly (I love children’s books!). The book is in the link below.
Reason 5
We are happiest when we feel like we are making a difference in the world. Toys and materials can’t come close to making us feel the way giving does. After experiencing the ethereal feeling of giving a few times, I think we begin to realize that giving makes us the most happy. We only truly learn this by experiencing it, and I want my children to feel that feeling and learn this truth too. When we do RAK as a family, we are giving a gift better than gold to our children.
Yep, I have another children’s book recommendation that brings this point right on home. Check it out below:
Reason 6
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25: 35-40
What a great reason to make RAK a priority. When we show kindness to our brothers and sisters, we are showing kindness to Jesus! Showing kindness and taking care of the poor, sick, less fortunate, widows, and orphans was a top priority in Jesus’ eyes. May we strive to make it a top priority for us too.
Coming Soon: PART 2 in the series…
How to Incorporate Random Acts of Kindness into your Life
The Free Downloadable Random Acts of Kindness Planner
Over the years, we have continued to do Random Acts of Kindness as a family. In fact, to make it a little easier to regularly do Random Acts of Kindness, I have organized a planner and made RAK cards. These cute little RAK cards say things like “You have Been RAK’ed (Random Acts fo Kindness). Use this gift to get a snack for your movie.” This particular card can be taped onto a Redbox along with a little bag of snack money. This planner includes several other cute RAK cards as well as a detailed Random Acts of Kindess Ideas list. I give this downloadable RAK planner to all Mindfulness in Faith and Food subscribers along with several other free printable downloads. To get this Random Acts of Kindness Planner click here.
Related Posts
How to Make RAK a Priority in Your Family’s Life
What happens When You Ask God to Help you Help Others?
Random Acts of Kindness: The Ultimate Ideas List
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