A Story about Trusting God’s Plan…
Sometimes I think God leads us down a different path, as if to say, “Hold on, I have something better for you.”

It was my junior year of high school; time to start thinking about college. My best friend and I had just visited College of Charleston and had fallen in love with the atmosphere. We just knew we wanted to go to school there and be roommates. I was so sure that College of Charleston was the only school for me so I didn’t even consider another school. Never mind that the College of Charleston didn’t offer a degree in Human Nutrition, which was the career I wanted to pursue. I figured I would complete my basic courses at College of Charleston and transfer for my Human Nutrition courses. So, when it was time to apply, my friend and I quickly filled out our applications. Two weeks later, my friend received her acceptance letter, but I was put on the waiting list. I was surprised because, well, I was a book nerd. I had graduated in the top 20% of my class and just knew I would get in. Talk about a blow to my big-headed ego. I waited and waited…week after week and heard nothing from College of Charleston.
My Plan Wasn’t Working
Suddenly, I had to consider the possibility that my friend and I would not be roommates together at my dream school. I realized it was time for me to start applying to other schools, and so, reluctantly, I did. I soon received acceptance letters from all of the other schools, including Clemson University.
I was also now touring other schools, but none of them felt right.
God’s Plan In Action
Then one day, my parents and I visited Clemson University (which happened to be one of the only two schools in my state that offered a Human Nutrition program). As soon as we pulled up to campus, I gasped and said, “Y’all, I like this!” We hadn’t even gotten out of the car yet! And by the end of the tour, I knew THIS was where I wanted to go to school. When I said this to my parents, my dad skeptically asked, “What if you received a letter from College of Charleston tomorrow?”
“I would want to go HERE!” I said with confidence.
The next day, I received a letter of acceptance from College of Charleston, but I no longer wanted to go.
God had showed me the place for me. I was able to get my degree in Human Nutrition and now I get to work in a career that I love. I met my husband and lifelong friends there, and the football games….just wow!
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About The Author
Lacy Ngo is a dietitian nationally recognized as a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. She shares the exact steps that, based on science, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success in her book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This book is like nothing you have ever seen before. It combines faith and science. Both are crucial when it comes to producing real change because real change involves the mind, body, and spirit.