Take the stress out of cooking nourishing gluten free, dairy free meals!
What’s included?
-A list of gluten free, dairy free foods that boost mood; promote cognitive function, focus, attention, alertness, and memory; support the immune system; aid in weight loss; and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, joint pain, and even seasonal allergy symptoms.
-A Simple Meal Plan Checklist
-A Faith-based Mindfulness and Mindful eating guide
-Printable Meal Builder cards

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What Others are Saying about The Nourishing Meal Builder: Gluten-Free, Dairy Free Edition…

Why the Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Edition?
Food sensitivities and intolerances, can contribute to poor gut health. Inversely, poor gut health can increase food sensitivities. Changing your diet can greatly improve your gut health and many symptoms and conditions, but if you are still having problems even after incorporating a healthier diet and following your doctor’s medical treatment; then, you may want to try an elimination diet to determine if you have any food sensitivities or food intolerances.
Among people with food sensitivities, some have always had them, while others can become sensitive to a food by eating one food too often.
Gluten is an example of a food Americans could be eating too often, which may be one reason some are becoming sensitive to gluten. In the American diet, we are not getting much variety when it comes to grains. We eat pasta, sandwiches, wraps, pizza, and buns several times a day, EVERYDAY…all are usually made from wheat!
Usually you can eliminate the foods you are sensitive to while simultaneously eating foods that improve your gut health. Once you have healed your gut, many people can add those foods back into their diet. Remember though, variety is key. Others will find that they will have to continue eliminating a food to continue reaping the health benefits and control heir symptoms.
Since those diagnosed with Celiac disease MUST avoid gluten, and since gluten and dairy are two of the most common sources of food intolerances and sensitivities, I decided to develop The Nourishing Meal Builder, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free edition.

How to Make This Book Work for You?
If you have Celiac disease, you will always need to eat gluten-free. For others with gluten or dairy intolerances, you may be able to occasionally add these gluten or dairy foods back into your diet. If the latter is the case, you can use this book as part of a temporary elimination diet. However, even without Celiac disease, some may find that permanently eating a fully or mostly gluten/ dairy free diet works best for their body. Everyone is different.
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What about the Cost?
What if you could buy a comprehensive nutrition guide developed by a dietitian that could transform your health for a one-time price of only $8.99?
I am in awe at how much some health products and programs cost, and I didn’t want my products to be like that.
That is why you can get this invaluable book for only $8.99! This isn’t some “nutrition” product you have to keep buying. You just buy it once and get to use it for a lifetime…and right now it’s only $8.99!
For just under 9 bucks, you learn strategies that help you transform the way you are eating and living.
For just under 9 bucks, you get a stress-reducing way to cook health meals without even needing a recipe.
For just $8.99, you get a comprehensive list (developed by a dietitian) of foods and their benefits.
This list is absolutley fascinating! Find out what foods help with mood; what foods help with asthma; and what foods help reduce the risk of chronic disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, autoimmune disease, and neurodegenerative disease. Find out what foods help with seasonal allergies; what foods promote cognitive function, focus, and attention, and what foods support the immune system. This is a tremendous resource to keep in the home, just for this comprehensive list alone!
Did you know that studies show L-theanine and EGCG, found in green tea, may have anti-anxiety effects similar to anti-anxiety medication and may help relax the brain without making you feel drowsy? In another study, individuals who drank 4 or more cups of green tea a day compared to those who drank 1 cup or less pre day had a 51% lower prevalence of depression.
Or did you know that citrus fruits and apples, have been show to have a positive impact on asthma symptoms?
What about this? Research shows that zinc may shorten the duration of colds by 33-40%!
These are examples of the invaluable information you will find in The Nourishing Meal Builder. You will find this comprehensive of foods and their specific benefits in chapters 2 and 3 of The Nourishing Meal Builder.
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Lacy Ngo, MS, RDN, the owner of Mindfulness in Faith, LLC, is one of the top experts in faith-based mindfulness and nutrition. Ngo is the author of several books including The Nourishing Meal Builder, The Nourishing Meal Builder: the Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Edition, Faith, Mindfulness, & Nutrition, and Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals.