Dietitian, Lacy Ngo, lost 50+ pounds AFTER she stopped focusing on weight…
And started focusing on nourishing her body while enjoying her food through faith-based mindfulness….

AND Her mood, stress, and anxiety levels as well as her asthma and seasonal allergies improved…
Then, she wrote everything she did and still does in her book, The Nourishing Meal Builder
(Other editions of The Nourishing Meal Builder include The Plant-Based Pescatarian Edition and The Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Edition.

Dietitian, Lacy Ngo, lost 50 pounds after she stopped weight obsessing and started focusing on nourishing her body while enjoying her food through faith-based mindfulness
Now, at 40 years old, she feels healthier and happier than ever, and it was easy! No need for willpower or “cheat” days because she enjoys her food every time she eats!
A Note on Losing Weight without Weight Obsessing
“I find myself conflicted as I try to figure out the best way to promote the lifestyle approach I discuss in my books. You see, I am an advocate for focusing on nourishing your body while enjoying your food INSTEAD of focusing on weight loss. (The fact is health comes in different sizes.) And yet the irony is I lost over 50 pounds when I stopped thinking about weight. (I have not weighed myself in years, and I only found out about the weight loss after hearing the news at a doctor’s visit).
So when I promote my approach to health, I hesitate to show pictures of how my weight has changed, and yet since I KNOW weight loss is a benefit of this faith-based mindfulness approach, and I know this approach can and has helped others who want to lose weight, I hesitate NOT to share this weight loss benefit. So I decided to share, but I encourage you to remember, this is currently my weight, but it won’t stay exactly the same. My size and shape will change and fluctuate, and that is normal. The important thins is to continue to focus on nourishing your body and enjoying your food” -Lacy Ngo, MS, RDN
The Nourishing Meal Builder: How to Create Meals that Promote Health, Happiness, & Healing
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About The Nourishing Meal Builder
What role does nutrition play in our faith? How does nutrition and mindfulness help us live healthier, happier, more purposeful lives? Find out more in The Nourishing Meal Builder!
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What Others are Saying about The Nourishing Meal Builder…

Before The Nourishing Meal Builder
When I first became a dietitan many years ago (was it really 14 years ago!!!!), my goal was to help others lose weight just like I did in middle school. While I still feel like it is okay to want to lose weight, a few things happened in my life that changed my purpose.
The first and most impactful life-changing experience was my son’s illnesses. For three years he battled Pneumonia (he developed after having the common cold), then Bronchiectasis and the removal of a lobe of his lung, and finally a condition called HSP. Suddenly I started truly understanding what I thought I already knew… health is about so much more than weight (You can read more of my story in my books). We talk about illnesses and read research, but when you experience it, the reality of disease hits home.
Now I knew what it was like to have a loved one living with an ongoing condition, and if there was any way I could reduce the risk of my loved-ones or me developing any chronic conditions; I wanted to do it! Moreover, since all of this started with the common cold virus, I also wanted to do whatever I could to support my family’s immune systems. So if I know certain foods reduce the risk of disease and other medical conditions, then I surely want to find an easy way to incorporate them into my family’s life every week. I can’t control everything so I do the only thing I know to do to help my kids be the healthiest they can be….
My Health
Seeing my son suffer was not good for my health either. I went through a season of sadness and became ill often myself. It was then that I realized I needed to do something.
Soon after my son got better, I became extremely sad again about my kids getting older. I felt like the three years that my son was sick were just gone. For two weeks I cried everyday. At about the same time, I developed so much mucus that I couldn’t do anything but lie in my bed and throw up mucus. This is something I have gone through every fall and spring, but this time was much worse. It would last 2 weeks go away and then come back again. It was hard for me to function!
The Creation of The Nourishing Meal Builder
Here I was a dietitan, and I was a wreck! Perhaps I was taking this “everything in moderation” too far. (I still agree with this statement, but moderation means something different to me now)
I began thinking, “you need to put your training into practice on yourself, Lacy!” Perhaps my mood and mucus issues were related and being caused by something I was eating. I knew a growing body of evidence indicates that certain foods could affect your mood, inflammation, immunity, mucus and even allergies so I decided to be more intentional about what I was eating.
A List of Nutrients
So I did what I love to do, I began to organize the information. I decided to write a list of foods that might help my symptoms. But then I thought, “I want more. I want to include the nutrients and foods that reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and cancer. I want to include foods that decrease the risk of developing chronic, neurodegenerative, and autoimmune diseases as well. I other words, I wanted a complete list!
So I worked almost a year making a list of nutrients that have been linked to reducing the risk or alleviating the conditions listed below:

But I didn’t want to stop there…
Knowing what foods you should eat is one thing, but figuring our how to EASILY incorporate them into our lives each week is a whole other thing. So the next thing I did was create The Nourishing Meal Plan Checklist (get it for free here) and The Nourishing Meal Builder Book and Cards. This book and these cards, show you how to easily combine these foods on the spot to create your own healthy meals everyday!

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The Changes in Us
Along with adding these foods, my family also incorporated faith-based mindfulness and mindful eating techniques.
Let me tell you, when we incorporated these foods and mindful eating into our lives, the change in how we felt was mind-blowing:
- My mood and stress levels profoundly improved.
- Because I was in a better mood, I made better, more kind choices (Don’t we often act our worst when we are upset, stressed, or hurting?)
- My acne finally cleared up! (unintentional benefit!)
- My energy was off the charts.
- In the past, I had gotten severe allergy-related mucus drainage multiple times a year. This past fall and spring, I did not have these debilitating symptoms for THE FIRST TIME SINCE CHILDHOOD!
- My son’s anxiety, mood, and behavior improved tenfold (Hangry is real on more levels than one)
- My asthma symptoms are now almost non-existent.
Now, thanks to faith-based mindfulness and nutrition, I am in the best shape of my life, enjoying my food, AND fueling my brain and body so that I can have as much strength as possible to serve God and others. Now I get to eat without feeling deprived; I get to eat delicious foods that I love; I get to feed my mind, body, and soul healing nutrient-dense foods, AND feel good in my body! But most importantly, by incorporating mindfulness into, not only my eating, but also my living, I am able to notice God in the world around me a little more often.

This is why we use The Nourishing Meal Builder and practice mindful eating.
Faith-based mindfulness and nutrition changed my life. How does this all happen and I not tell people?!?! I mean, what if this way of living and eating can have a similar impact on others!!! So I decided to share my research as well as my personal experiences with others by writing The Nourishing Meal Builder. This is where you can find it all…
In the Nourishing Meal Builder books, you will get:
- An evidence-based list of foods that boost mood; promote cognitive function, focus, attention, alertness, and memory; support the immune system; aid in weight loss; reduce the risk of chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, joint pain, and even seasonal allergies.
- A simple meal plan checklist that will help you eat balanced meals on a daily basis that fuels your mind, body, and spirit.
- A faith-based mindfulness and mindful eating guide: These are actual steps and strategies that will help you implement mindful eating and mindful living into your life. Also explore how faith-based mindfulness can help with our moods, behaviors, and even our health
- Printable Meal Builder cards: This is an amazing tool that takes the stress out of creating healthy meals everyday. With the meal builder cards, you will be able to put together meals on the fly, without even needing a recipe.

How to create meals that promote health, happiness, and healing. No meal planning or meal prep needed. Printable Meal Builder Cards and functional food lists included, Find out which foods boost mood, decrease inflammation, support the immune system, promote cognitive function, and reduce the risk of chronic disease.
How Does It Work?
With the meal builder cards, you will start by picking a nourishing base. Then you will select a health-promoting protein from the protein cards. Next, you will add as many vegetables from your vegetables cards as you would like. Now you will add a tasty combination of seasonings and sauces (The book includes a list of sauce and healthy seasoning combinations that will always taste fantastic together. You can pick and choose which combinations to use to change the flavors of the meal). Finally, you will pick a cooking method from the cooking method cards.
What about the Cost?
What if you could buy a comprehensive nutrition guide developed by a dietitian that could transform your health for a one-time price of only $8.99?
I am in awe at how much some health products and programs cost, and I didn’t want my products to be like that.
That is why you can get this invaluable book for only $8.99! This isn’t some “nutrition” product you have to keep buying. You just buy it once and get to use it for a lifetime…and right now it’s only $8.99!
For just under 9 bucks, you learn strategies that help you transform the way you are eating and living.
For just under 9 bucks, you get a stress-reducing way to cook healthy meals without even needing a recipe.
And for just $8.99, you get a comprehensive list (developed by a dietitian) of foods and their benefits.
This list is absolutley fascinating! Find out what foods help with mood; what foods help with asthma; and what foods help reduce the risk of chronic disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, autoimmune disease, and neurodegenerative disease. Find out what foods help with seasonal allergies; what foods promote cognitive function, focus, and attention, and what foods support the immune system. This is a tremendous resource to keep in the home, just for this comprehensive list alone!
Did you know that studies show L-theanine and EGCG, found in green tea, may have anti-anxiety effects similar to anti-anxiety medication and may help relax the brain without making you feel drowsy? In another study, individuals who drank 4 or more cups of green tea a day compared to those who drank 1 cup or less pre day had a 51% lower prevalence of depression.
Or did you know that citrus fruits and apples have been show to have a positive impact on asthma symptoms?
What about this? Research shows that zinc may shorten the duration of colds by 33-40%!
These are examples of the invaluable information you will find in The Nourishing Meal Builder.
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Create anti-anxiety, immune supportive, mood boosting meals that reduce the risk of chronic diseases and support cognitive function, focus, attention, and memory.
The variety of meals and possibilities are endless!
No more digging through recipes or looking in the fridge, to try to figure out what to eat! You can even select and omit cards based on what foods are in your house. Use the book and cards to do all your grocery shopping too!
Bottom like, The Nourishing Meal Builder helps take away the mental load and stress of planning and prepping meals every week. With these cards you can quickly build a meal on the spot!
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