The Mindful Planner Free Download!
Hi All! I am so excited about this free printable 7-Day Mindful Planner! Oh how mindfulness has changed my daily life. I mean…on the days I remember to embrace mindfulness and focus on the presence of God, I am so much more relaxed, and I make better choices. The days I forget to be mindful are a different story. My mindLESS days are a stressful blur and my choices…well, let’s just say I usually want a do-over by the end of the day.
I realized I needed to make mindfulness a priority so I decided to develop the 7-Day Mindful Planner.
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I love this planner!

What is Included in this Planner?
The first page of the planner provides a mindfulness daily quick reference. Then the following pages include daily mindful Bible verses, space to include mindful exercise, as well as space for meal planning (mindful eating is a huge part of mindfulness).
My favorite part of the planner, however, is the mindful gratitude journal space. (A grateful attitude is also a huge part of mindfulness). In this section, you can reflect and write about the best parts of your day. What a fun way to end your day!
You can download and print as many of these free sheets as you need! I like to print enough for a month, and put them in a pretty binder.
Get the free 7-Day Mindful Planner and join the Mindfulness in Faith and Food family here.
Related Post from Mindfulness in Faith and Food
What Does Mindful Living Have to Do With Emotional Eating?
How to Mindfully Eat to Lose Weight: A Step by Step Guide
Bring More Mindfulness into Your Life with These Mindfulness Essentials
Dietitian Confessions: Why Mindful Eating Works for Weight Loss
The ONE Thing I Did to Lose Weight AND Strengthen My Walk with God
Related Products
The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook
The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook not only includes more mindful eating strategies and techniques, but this ebook also includes a detailed freezer meal plan and weight loss guide!

The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook has 22 Chapters full of helpful information and tips including:
- The “What is Preventing You From Living a Healthier Life?” interactive quiz
- Mindful eating techniques and guide
- A Complete Healthy Freezer Meal Plan: You will learn how to cook all of your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for a whole month in ONE day. Don’t worry, I don’t just give you a bunch of recipes and tell you to cook them in one day. The ebook includes strategies and “Pro Tips” on HOW to efficiently cook your meals in one day.
The goals of cooking all of your meals in ONE Day are:
- More daily free time,
- A decreased grocery bill,
- Healthier meals for the whole family,
- Less daily stress, and
- Weight Loss/Weight Maintenance
Learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook here.
What Others are Saying about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meal” ebook
“I have lost 17 pounds since I started eating these freezer meals. They are healthy AND taste great!!! We are now eating at home more, which has made a huge difference!” Chad, South Carolina
“As I read this book, I kept thinking, ‘this is so much more than a freezer meal cookbook! Lacy needs to be a life coach! She has such a positive outlook on life!’ “The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook is so uplifing and encouraging!” Wendy, South Carolina
“I can actually see a decrease in my grocery bill since I started eating these freezer meals, and my kids love them! We are eating healthier now. Plus, we are eating more meals together as a family!” Nicole, South Carolina
Click here to learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook
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This is such a great idea! So important to work on mindfulness.
Practicing mindfulness and being more intentional have been two of my top priorities as of recently, this is so perfect!
I am so glad you found this helpful!
Awesome! So useful!!
Awesome! So useful – I need this!!
Love this! I could definitely learn to be more intentionally mindful. I literally started a journal this morning for intentional time with God not related to blog posts, just me, God, and whatever comes to mind.
That is awesome, Brittany! Journaling is one of my favorite ways to spend time with God. <3
I’m constantly amazed by how different life is with mindfulness in the day to day.
It is amazing what a difference mindfulness makes! <3
How awesome is this! So good to have on hand.
I love this printable!
I love a good planner. It also brings out the creativity on me.
Very cool planner! Thanks for sharing with us 🙂
Just requested my copy – can’t wait to check it out and share with my clients!
Oh yay! I hope your clients find it helpful!
I absolutely LOVE planner printouts! You did a really good job with it too. I’m excited to use it!
I am so glad you liked it!
This is a great idea, because I know I need to work on being more mindful. I also need to use my planner more consistently!
Awesome! I really think mindfulness solves 99.9% of our problems today. Thank you for sharing!
Oh this sounds great! Something I need to be better about, for sure.
I’m obsessed with all things planner! Love this!
Me too!!!
Looking forward to checking this out!