This is a story about when a child sees God’s perfect timing in action. May this little story bring you hope that God is here with us.
This article has been updated and is an adaptation from a chapter in 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This unique book was written by Lacy Ngo, a dietitian nationally recognized as a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. She shares the exact steps that, based on science, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success in her book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This book is like nothing you have ever seen before. It combines faith and science. Both are crucial when it comes to producing real change because real change involves the mind, body, and spirit.
Have you ever noticed that God seems to find ways to speak to us about the very issue we are having at that particular time? This is one of those moments.

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A Little Nervous
It was the night before my son, who had a condition called Bronchiectasis, would be put to sleep for his first lung procedure at the Children’s hospital.
“Can we read some stories before I go to sleep?” my 6-year-old asked me.
“Of course, let’s read the ‘God and Me’ book first,” I replied as I snuggled my little boy.
I could tell my son was a little nervous as we opened the ‘God and Me’ children’s daily devotional to the page where we had left off. ”
God’s Perfect Timing
We began to read the devotional where we left off, and we could not believe what we read! The devotional for THAT night was amazingly about GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!
The actual prayer from ‘God and Me:’
Here is what the devotional said:
“Dear God, I’m thankful that You are always with me, even at the doctor or the hospital. Amen”
My son couldn’t believe that out of all the devotionals, the one for that night talked about the hospital. In amazement my son exclaimed, “How does God do that!?!?.”
Smiling through tears, I replied, “I don’t know how God does things like this, but I am sure glad God does!”
God’s perfect timing, indeed!
Thank you, God, for comforting us when we are a “little scared.”
God and Me

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