This is a story about when a child sees God’s perfect timing in action. May this little story bring you hope that God is here with us.
This article has been updated and is an adaptation from a chapter in 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This unique book was written by Lacy Ngo, a dietitian nationally recognized as a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. She shares the exact steps that, based on science, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success in her book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This book is like nothing you have ever seen before. It combines faith and science. Both are crucial when it comes to producing real change because real change involves the mind, body, and spirit.
Have you ever noticed that God seems to find ways to speak to us about the very issue we are having at that particular time? This is one of those moments.
A God moment story about God’s perfcet timing: a time when a happy coincidence brings joy to a child
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A Little Nervous
It was the night before my son, who had a condition called Bronchiectasis, would be put to sleep for his first lung procedure at the Children’s hospital.
“Can we read some stories before I go to sleep?” my 6-year-old asked me.
“Of course, let’s read the ‘God and Me’ book first,” I replied as I snuggled my little boy.
I could tell my son was a little nervous as we opened the ‘God and Me’ children’s daily devotional to the page where we had left off. ”
God’s Perfect Timing
We began to read the devotional where we left off, and we could not believe what we read! The devotional for THAT night was amazingly about GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!
The actual prayer from ‘God and Me:’
Here is what the devotional said:
“Dear God, I’m thankful that You are always with me, even at the doctor or the hospital. Amen”
My son couldn’t believe that out of all the devotionals, the one for that night talked about the hospital. In amazement my son exclaimed, “How does God do that!?!?.”
Smiling through tears, I replied, “I don’t know how God does things like this, but I am sure glad God does!”
God’s perfect timing, indeed!
Thank you, God, for comforting us when we are a “little scared.”
God and Me
A God moment story about God’s perfcet timing: a time when a happy coincidence brings joy to a child
This article has been updated and was adapted from 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This unique book was written by Lacy Ngo, a dietitian nationally recognized as a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. She shares the exact steps that, based on science, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success in her book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This book is like nothing you have ever seen before. It combines faith and science. Both are crucial when it comes to producing real change because real change involves the mind, body, and spirit.
A sixth grade girl ponders the question, “is God real?”
Sigh, Sixth Grade
(A sixth grade girl ponders, “Is God real?”)
It was the first day of middle school. I felt all grown up and ready to meet new people. I had carefully decided on a pink v-neck shirt and a pair of jean shorts that had a pink ruffle on the bottom.
The first few weeks of sixth grade went okay. I was making many new friends, but I became particularly close with two girls. We started going over to each other’s houses and talking on the phone every night. Sixth grade was going fine until something happened…
Beautiful… Amazing… Wonderful Girls Can Still be Cruel
This was probably the first huge lesson of my young life. I learned that people can be cruel, especially sixth grade girls. These beautiful girls weren’t cruel people; they were being cruel. There is a big difference. I am sure they were feeling all these complicated emotions just like I was. After all, being in sixth grade is tough.
Sixth Graders seem to feel like they need to put others down to make themselves look better. If you can put down someone else, then people will pay attention to you, or that’s what you think when you are in sixth grade. If you want to be cool, you must show how utterly uncool someone else is. Someone has to be the loser or outcast or no one can be the winner. .
The Outcast
A few months into sixth grade, I was picked to be the outcast. One day, the two girls I had befriended started doing things to deliberately hurt me. Later I learned that one told another friend, “it was funny to see Lacy mad, and this was why we liked picking on her.”
First, they began by ignoring me. I particularly remember one incidence that occurred in gym class. While we were practicing lay-ups, one of the girls had just made a shot, so I held out my hand for her to give me a high five. My friend wouldn’t even look at me. She just walked right past me. She ran straight to the other girl and started giggling.
The ignoring was just the beginning. They then began spreading silly rumors about me. Shortly after the rumors spread, I saw a group of girls talking before class. As I approached, one girl whispered, “ Here comes Lacy, everyone turn your back.” They actually huddled together in a circle with their backs to me when I greeted them.
The Worst Day
On the worst day, another girl and I walked up to the lunch table where we usually sat, but no one was there. Then, I notice a few of the girls I usually sat with standing near a table on the other side of the lunchroom. I walked over to them and asked “oh, are we were sitting over here today?” They replied nonchalantly, “oh no, we are sitting over there; go save us a seat.” I sat at the the other table saving their seats, but the other girls never came to the table. The two of us were sitting at a huge table all by ourselves.
You can imagine what that does to an eleven-year-old girl’s reputation. When I realized what was happening, I moved to another table with a different set of girls. Then, the girls at this table thought it would be funny to throw my lunch on the ground. I couldn’t eat my lunch because it was ruined.
These kinds of incidences went on throughout sixth grade. I felt so alone, like I didn’t have a friend in the world. I hated going to school. In fact, I dreaded it!
And although my parent’s were amazing (something I am so greatful for) I didn’t feel happy at home either. I didn’t like going home because I knew that meant night was coming, and I would have to try to sleep. Every single night I couldn’t sleep. I was so lonely and the dark made me feel even more alone. I would lie there absolutely terrified. My heart felt like it was in my throat. I would be in a panic because I was all by myself in my room, and I felt sad almost all of the time. I tried to hide it from my parents because I didn’t want to make them sad, and I didn’t want them to feel like their daughter was a loser.
Then the questions in my head started. My young 11-year-old mind thought, ‘I didn’t do bad things; I didn’t smoke, or talk back to my parents like other kids did. I made good grades and went to church, so why was this happening to me?’
Wait a Minute, “Is God Real?”
The questioning got me thinking. I began thinking about things that I had never thought about before. I started wondering if God really existed, and if so, why was God letting the other kids be so mean to me? “Why should I even believe in God, just because my parents said so?” I thought. The big question was, “Is God real?” If God was there, I had never really given God much thought before. Sure, I went to church, knew the story, and even accepted it as true, but I never truly understood.
I Decided to Pray…
The night that I began pondering, I decided to pray and ask God, point blank, Is God real? So I prayed “God, if you are real, show me a sign.” Within the same week, while walking home on the same road I took every single day, I saw a tree distinctly shaped as a cross. I had never seen it before, yet I had taken that path every day that year.
And This Happened!!!
On another day, something very strange and even more wonderful happened. I was lying on the couch one night watching T.V. with my parents. As usual, I was feeling terribly sad and alone, dreading the inevitable bedtime, when out of the blue, I suddenly felt strange. God spoke to me! I felt God tell me, “I love you.” I wasn’t watching anything spiritual or hadn’t been thinking about God. The words just came.out.of.nowhere. I didn’t hear a voice; I just felt the words being said to me, and a weird warmth came over me. God was telling me He loved me, and that I was never alone.
I know the words came from God because it changed my life. At that moment, I felt an indescribable joy, greater than I had ever felt before. I knew that even though I did not feel loved at school, I was not alone. Someone who loved me was with me all the time even at school. I realized I wasn’t alone at night while I slept in my room either.
A New Understanding
In a moment, all of these realizations came rushing over me…all at once. Suddenly, I didn’t dread going to school or to my room at night. I knew I wasn’t ever going to be alone again, and I knew I had NEVER really been alone. I didn’t care what people said because the most important being in the world loved me. Everything else seemed trivial. It was amazing to me that all of this knowledge came to me at once. God had spoken to me. That night was the beginning of a new life for me.
I truly didn’t care what people thought of me anymore, but consequently; I almost instantly found new friends. The ignoring, teasing, and rumors stopped or at least I didn’t hear them. I loved going to church. I started having fun at youth group. Oh, and at night, I slept. Beautiful wonderful sleep! I loved going to my room because it was a chance for me to be alone with God. I would often pray myself to sleep. This was the beginning of my NEW life with God.
Today, I still go through times of sadness. I still care what people think. I think we all do, but I know that I have God’s comfort and support. Now I know that I am not alone.
Now, I realize that the year of being teased and bullied was a miracle. Although I was not and am not even close to perfect, after that experience, I was more aware of my actions towards others all throughout middle school and high school. I was careful about making fun and being cruel to others. I know I did not succeed all the time because well let’s be honest, I was a middle school girl. Still, I am thankful that God showed me how much it hurt to be picked on or bullied so that I was more careful of my actions in school and now.
God Loves You that Much Too
I couldn’t believe the love God felt for me. I could feel how strong it was. And do you know what? God feels that way about you too! Yes you, reading this right now. God LOVES you soooo unbelievably much. YOU are not alone.
Do you have a story?
We all have different experiences and different ways God shows His presence. Not one story is the same. I think God gives us what we need to be able to know God is there. If you are wondering if God is real, I ask you to pray and hang in there. Sometimes it just takes time, and we all go through seasons of doubt.
Have you ever felt God speak to you?
Just like our own children, we all have different personalities so God, I think, speaks to each of us in different ways. What about you? How has God gotten your attention? Have you ever felt God speak to you?
This is an adaptation from a story in the book, Faith, Mindfulness, & Nutrition. You can get the digital copy or the paperback version of the book here.
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Seeing God’s presence today through little signs from God.
I Noticed a Change in Me
After I prayed THAT prayer from part 3… the one when I told God I was ready to do what God wanted instead of what I wanted), I first noticed a change in me.
I truly wanted to know what God wanted me to do each day. Since that prayer, I TRY to remember to pray EVERY morning. Each morning I ask, “God, please help me see the needs of others today.” Do you know God did start giving me little opportunities to serve throughout my daily life? Check out the blog “We Ran Out of Gas” for one example.
I also started trying to pray in the car and pray before I entered any new environment. I started trying to be more mindful of God’s presence in every room I entered. Notice my blog is about Mindfulness? Do you see where all these circumstances are leading?
After Praying THAT Prayer
Because I am more mindful of God’s presence, I have noticed more “God Moments” in my life, and now I have even more “God moments” to share on this blog! If you read part 3, you will remember all of this started because I read a book called The Narrow Road: Stories of Those Who Walk This Road Together (International Adventures). This is a fantastic book about a man praying and waiting for God to lead him in almost every aspect of life. I highly recommend reading The Narrow Road: Stories of Those Who Walk This Road Together (International Adventures). Because of this book, I started incorporating prayer and listening to God in my everyday moments. (I truly think God lead me to read this book because God knew the reaction I would have. You can see this story in Part 3)
You can read more specific “God Moment” stories by clicking on the links below:
Should I Share My Personal “God Moment” Stories with Others?
I was so thankful that after saying the big prayer, God seemed to be showing me small ways to serve throughout my day, but I also felt like God was leading me to do something specific (part 3). But what? Would I get any signs from God? While I waited…well, I became impatient. I decided to actively write down a list of some of my accomplishments and talents. ‘Maybe I can use some of my talents to serve God,’ I thought. I jotted down that I enjoy writing and had written nutrition columns for the local newspaper in the past. But how in the world could I use this to serve God? Blogging wasn’t even on my radar at the time.
Still I thought, ‘well I do have several personal God stories that may encourage others. What if I could somehow share some of these personal experiences I have had with God through writing?” Could sharing these personal “God Moments” be my calling? But how would I know that this is something I should do? My goodness, I could do so many different things, how will I EVER know what God thinks I should specifically do?
Signs from God: The Answer is “Yes, Share these Stories.”
Then Sunday rolled around again, and I went to church. Guess what the sermon was about? Our pastor did a sermon on telling your personal call or God story. Well if that wasn’t an answer to my question, I don’t know what was.
In the sermon, the pastor said that a person’s personal call or God story has one of the greatest impacts when you are telling someone about God. In fact, a person’s personal story is only 2nd to the Bible when you are trying to tell someone about your faith. How amazing that as soon as I thought about sharing my personal stories and experiences with God, our pastor started talking about how important it is to tell YOUR personal story! So I decided I did want to write my personal stories down in one place so that I can use them somehow later.
Another God Moment: Finding the Time to Write
The next obstacle was finding the time to write. You see, I couldn’t write while the kids slept because I slept in the bed with my 3 year old (I know I should never have started that habit, right? I was just so tired of the nightly sleeping battles, and I just gave up. My son would go to sleep easily if I was lying with him. Sigh.)
The problem was that if I got up for anything, even to go to the bathroom, he would wake up and cry, “hold mommy, hold mommy!” How was I going to get up and begin writing again? I wanted to not only write, but also, pray and read God’s word more often. Do you know that when I decided to get up to write, my son didn’t wake up! I was able to write, pray, and read about God while my son slept! Could this be yet another of the many sign’s from God?
Doubt and Fear and then More Signs from God
Now, if I was stronger I would not have needed another nudge from God, but unfortunately fears and doubt began to creep in. I had written some of my stories, but I began to think, ‘do I really want to SHARE these stories with others?’ Just when I started backing away, God called me again. Literally right after I started backpedaling and doubting, two of the sermons talked about answering God’s call and even emphasized telling our own personal stories. The words and phrasing used in the sermons spoke to me so clearly that I had chills. Were all these coincidences signs from God again?
Finally Ready to Take Action
Okay, finally I was willing to take action. I still didn’t know what to do, but since our pastor had inspired the idea, I decided to send my written stories to our pastor. This was a total leap of faith. I don’t normally do things like this. These stories were personal, and I felt silly just sending them to someone. This was several years ago, and I still wasn’t familiar with blogging yet. In fact, the pastor was the one who mentioned blogging. (He is a lot younger and more tech than me 🙂 ) Turns out, the pastor had been contemplating starting a church blog, and he was even more encouraged after I sent in my stories that our church should start the blog. Maybe even the pastor was receiving signs from God?
And so a church blog was started. I became one of the admins for the blog. I didn’t know anything about blogging, but I wanted all the amazing stories from church members to get shared somehow. Church members would send their stories, and I would post. Now church members had a place to share their personal call story. After all, like the pastor said, “a person’s personal story is only 2nd to the Bible when you are trying to tell someone about God.”
More Coincidences: The Leap to Starting MY Personal Blog, “Mindfulness in Faith and Food”
This church blog was established years ago, but I still never considered starting my own blog. Then two things happened…
I was still writing down all my “God Moments” as well as any lessons I had learned over the years. I decided I wanted to organize all these stories for my children. So I started working on a little book that I would only give to my children. (See there I go, writing again!) I wanted my children to feel inspired and have hope that God is there even in the tough times.
“Hmmm, Should I Start My Own Blog?”
As I was organizing all of this for the book for my children, I thought, “hmm, some of these stories are so encouraging and give so much hope; I wish I could share them somehow. Well, I could start a personal blog? Then maybe a few more people could see all this ‘stuff’ God has done.” Just like most thoughts, at first I didn’t think much of the idea. But the next circumstance would make me think much more seriously about blogging…
Our Church Combined Faith with Nutrition
I was still working on lessons for my children’s book when one day a church staff member asked me that since I am a dietitian I would be willing to become the coordinator of a new church wellness program. The program was called “FAN: Faith, Activity, and Nutrition”. The goal of the FAN program is to promote, encourage, inspire, and provide opportunities for a healthier life within the church. The FAN program focused on helping the whole person: body and soul. I loved how FAN incorporated scripture, spiritual health, and physical health into their messages. I usually didn’t get to incorporate my professional background in dietetics with my faith in this way, and I loved it!
Again, “Hmmm, I Could Start a Blog?”
When I became the FAN coordinator, I dusted off my nutrition materials (I was currently a stay-at-home mom) to see what I could use for FAN. As I was looking through all the handouts, articles, and client books I had developed, I thought ‘this information is not helping anyone just sitting on my computer or in my desk! I need to find a way people can have access to this!’ Again, the same phrase ran through my head, “hmm, I could start some kind of nutrition blog! But if I started a blog, I would also want to talk about my faith and God experiences. Would combining faith and nutrition even work as a blog?Wait! Look at the FAN program, this program incorporates both!”
Signs from God: Everything Was Falling into Place
And this is how the idea of a faith-based nutrition blog was formed. Everything seemed to be falling into place for me to start blogging. I was already organizing nutrition and faith articles for FAN and my book for my children, and I was already incorporating faith with nutrition at church. The fact of the matter was I was already writing about faith and nutrition, why not go ahead and blog? The timing just seemed right.
My Vision for the Blog Seemed so Clear
The next part might be harder to explain, but I will do my best. My vision for my blog seemed so clear. Let me explain the opposite of clear, so that you can understand what I mean. When I was trying to decide on a name for my private nutrition counseling, I struggled with finding a name and my brand. For one, I wasn’t being true to myself. I settled for something generic, but I cringed when I said the name. The name wasn’t bad; the name just didn’t ever feel right.
When I decided to blog about God and my passions, the name almost immediately fell into my mind. I wanted to call the blog, “Mindfulness in Faith and Food.” I am still relatively new to blogging. In fact, I have only been blogging for about half a year, but this blog still just feels right.
The Creation of Mindfulness in Faith and Food
So I decided to do it! I started a blog. All my past writings- journal entries, nutrition handouts, God stories, and partial books have found a home on this blog. Who knew that I was writing for this blog for so many years and didn’t even know it!
Signs From God: The Ripple Effect
Now, looking back, I can see the ripple effect from each of these events that lead to writing a faith and nutrition blog. Each, by themselves, may not seem like much, but you put everything together from part 1-part 4 of this series, and the sheer number of signs and coincidental circumstances are impossible to ignore!
A Recap of the Ripple Effect
My passion for writing since childhood (See Part 2)
My weight struggles as a middle school child that initiated my interest in nutrition (See About Me)
Even more signs from God? Just when I was contemplating that perhaps sharing all my personal “God Moment” stories is my call, the sermons were about sharing your personal God stories (Part 4).
The church blog was started after I took a leap of faith and sent our pastor all of these God stories (Part 4).
I started organizing all my God stories and lessons for a book for my children. This gave me the thought, “Maybe I should share these amazing stories in a blog?” (Part 4)
Meanwhile I was introduced to the FAN program, which combined faith and nutrition. I loved this, and a concept of a faith-based nutrition blog was born. (Part 4)
Have you noticed any signs from God or coincidences that you think are leading you to your calling? Are you feeling God’s call to serve in some way? Maybe you are even feeling called to blog?
Do you feel called to blog, but don’t know where to begin? My next post goes through the steps to start your own blog. You can check it out by clicking on this link: “How to start a blog when you feel called to blog.”
About Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC
Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC focuses on how to live your healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. Several branches fall under the Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC umbrella. One is Mindful Vending, which is one of the few dietitian owned and operated vending companies in the nation! Ngo is also the author of several books including Faith, Mindfulness, & Nutrition, Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals and The Nourishing Meal Builder. You can also find evidence-based nutrition articles, recipes, convenient healthy snack lists, inspiring faith stories, and faith-based mindfulness techniques on her blog, Mindfulness in Faith and Food.
This is an adaptation from a story in the book, Faith, Mindfulness, & Nutrition. You can learn more about this inspiring book here.
Signs of God’s Presence Today: Signs and Coincidences
Recapping Part 1 and Part 2
As I mentioned in Part 2, writing kept creeping up in my life. Even as a child, I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I would put the thought of writing aside, but years later I would find myself writing again. Part 1 of this blog series talks about the 4 clues to finding your purpose. One clue is you have a God-given passion for something. Another clue is that you keep getting signs over and over… and over. Sometimes your passion keeps finding its way back into your life. I think this reoccurrence of you passion could be a sign in and of itself.
(*An important note: Just because you have a passion, does not mean you are called to pursue it. Also, every passion we have is not a calling. After all, we often have passions for not so good things. Passion is just one clue. We need to look at every clue to figure out a calling. Another clue is that your passion matches up with God’s teachings. This series looks at several pieces to “What is your Calling.”)
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The Call Became Stronger
True, my passion for writing was a nice little clue, but standing by itself this clue really means little. The call became much stronger later…
We had just joined our church, and my husband and I were in the process of visiting Sunday Schools. One Sunday, we randomly visited a Sunday school class called “Open Doors.” During the class, the teacher off-handedly mentioned the book, The Narrow Road: Stories of Those Who Walk This Road Together (International Adventures), which was about a missionary named Brother Andrew. I thought to myself, ‘that sounds like a good book to read.’ Almost a year later, I still remembered this specific Sunday schools comment about this ONE book, but I couldn’t remember the name of the book. It’s funny how one small comment will just stick in your mind, isn’t it? One day I saw the Sunday school teacher, and I asked her again for the name of the book. This time I didn’t wait around. I quickly purchased the book, and my journey began…
One Book Changed the Direction of my Life
Brother Andrew’s story was inspiring to say the least! The things that he accomplished when he listened to God’s call were amazing! When he was truly doing something God seemed to ask him to do, God took care of every one of his needs to get THAT job done. (I thought this was interesting because we sometimes use God as a wishing well, but when we are truly following God’s wishes to help others; then, he will help us do THAT job). In other words, if God tells us to do something, then God will help us get it done. If you want to read some truly amazing God moments, I strongly recommend this book.
Awesome “God Moments” from the Book, The Narrow Road
Some of the amazing things that happened in the book were:
* Brother Andrew had an injured leg that leg hindered a particular mission work he felt called to do. In fact, he felt the leg would nearly make the mission impossible! One day Brother Andrew talked to God about not being able to do this mission work due to his hurt leg. His leg was healed immediately!
* Brother Andrew felt strongly that he was suppose to take Bibles to persecuted countries, in which Bibles were not allowed. One time some guards stopped him. The smuggled Bibles were right on the seat of his car and the guards didn’t see them!
* Once or twice the money for missionary school was about to run out, and the exact amount came to him in peculiar ways just in time.
My Favorite Brother Andrew Story: This is GOOD!
One of my favorite stories took place during Brother Andrew’s time at missionary school. Brother Andrew and the other students were asked to do local missions as an assignment. They were given no money, food, or housing and they were told that they were not supposed to ask churches or anyone else for help. They were asked to trust that God would provide. This was an exercise meant to teach them how to trust God completely. This didn’t mean that the missionary school thought that people/charities should not ask for donations; the school just wanted them to practice putting all their trust in God for this particular exercise.
The students were also expected to tithe! The students were divided into two groups. Brother Andrew’s group tithed at the beginning of each week no matter what challenges they faced. The other group planned on tithing if they had enough after they fulfilled their own needs. Interestingly, the group who tithed no matter what, always had enough for themselves and the missions. The other group constantly ran out of money and supplies.
They Needed Cake, and They Got a Cake in the Mail!
God seemed to always answer the needs of Brother Andrew’s group no matter how small. For example, a church asked Brother Andrew’s group to come to a church event. The church also asked the group to bring a cake to this event. Remember, they have no money! The group panicked about how they were going to get the money for this cake. They even considered doing something they hadn’t done yet, which was ask people for donations. Just when the decided against asking for other’s help, they received a package in the mail. Do you know what was inside the package? A cake, sent to them by a loved one! The giver did not know they needed a cake; she just thought it would be a nice gesture!
The Prayer that Started it All
This book inspired me! Like Brother Andrew, I wanted to experience God’s power and presence more regularly. But was I willing to follow God’s will no matter what? I decided to pray. Instead of praying for my needs, I prayed for God to show me what God wanted me to do. I told God I wanted to follow and serve God, and I wanted my life to be about serving God and others, not myself. (Yeah, I’m still working on that.) I asked God to please tell me God’s will. I figured if I really listened AND followed, I would see some amazing things happen just like Brother Andrew. Basically, I was asking God to call on me. Then God started talking…
God’s Call: Signs That God Was About to Answer My Prayer
Before telling me my specific call, God seemed to be telling me that my request was heard, and is being answered. Messages about God’s call bombarded me everywhere.
In fact, RIGHT after I prayed for God to call on me, our church started “The Call” series, which was suppose to help us learn how to hear and answer God’s call! Even our church band played songs about hearing God’s call. But here is the kicker; the band did not know the sermon topics when choosing songs!
After church, I experienced another coincidence. After church, I grabbed a veggie tales movie for my son to watch not knowing that out of all the Bible stories; this movie was about Jonah trying to push away God’s call!
Finally while I was putting my son to bed, I was showing my son pictures from his Children’s Bible. He was young, so we were just looking at pictures instead of reading the words. The bottom of each page had a one liner prayer. I finally randomly glanced at one of the prayers. The prayer was literally asking God to help us listen to his call!! Out of all the prayers, why was this the one I randomly read?
I asked God if God would lead me because I was ready to do what God wanted instead of what I wanted. God seemed to answer immediately. God seemed to be saying through signs, ‘Of course, I have been waiting for you to ask this! I will lead you to what I am calling you to do.’
But the next questions was, “What IS God calling me to do?” Check out part 4 for the answer…
Lacy Ngo is a dietitian nationally recognized as a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. She shares the exact steps that, based on science, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success in her book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This book is like nothing you have ever seen before. It combines faith and science. Both are crucial when it comes to producing real change because real change involves the mind, body, and spirit. and faith-based mindfulness techniques on her blog, Mindfulness in Faith and Food.
This article has been updated and is an adaptation from a story in 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This unique book was written by Lacy Ngo, a dietitian nationally recognized as a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. She shares the exact steps that, based on science, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success in her book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This book is like nothing you have ever seen before. It combines faith and science. Both are crucial when it comes to producing real change because real change involves the mind, body, and spirit. This is an adaption from a story in the book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life.
In 2009, my beautiful little boy was born. Just over a year earlier, I had just had a miscarriage. My body held on to this little baby for 3 months before the miscarriage. I still have my only picture via an ultrasound of my first little baby, and I can still remember seeing the little heartbeat on the ultrasound. I will always love that first baby, and as you can imagine, I was over the moon to find out I was pregnant again so soon after with my son.
The delivery of my son went well. He was a healthy baby except for a minor hydrocele. The doctors said this was not unusual and that the hydrocele usually goes away before the age of one. However, if the hydrocele did not go away by the time my son was one, then; my son may need a minor surgery, especially if the hydrocele turns into a hernia.
What in the World was Happening?
A year went by, and before we knew it, we were celebrating my little boy’s first birthday. Soon after my son’s birthday, I noticed a little redness when I was changing my son’s diaper. Knowing about the hydrocele, I decided to get him checked out. We took him to the doctor one evening. To my surprise, the doctor recommended that we go straight to the urologist. It was now after 5:00 pm, and the doctor was going to meet us at his already closed office. I started thinking the worst. On the way to the urologist, my son suddenly projectile vomited all over the car, car seat, and me. I then became extremely worried. What in world was happening?
The urologist concluded that my son did have a hernia and did need surgery, but thankfully, this was not an emergency. The surgery could be scheduled for a later date. During the procedure, my son would be put to sleep for a couple of hours, and then, he would go home the same day of the surgery.
Then He Simply Said “Hey”
Whew, crisis obverted,…but then I began to worry. My logical mind, knew this was a minor surgery, but the protective mother began to panic as the day approached. I had heard of babies having bad reactions to anesthesia, and by the night before the surgery, I was extremely stressed.
Although, I was nervous, I did our normal bedtime routine just as I always do. First, I laid my son on the changing table to change his diaper and put on his pajamas. Then, as usual, I bowed my head and said a prayer while he was still lying on the changing table.
That night I said a special prayer, asking God to please PLEASE help us know He is here with us and will be RIGHT HERE WITH US during the surgery. I really, REALLY needed reassurance that God was with us. Then, I picked up my son and carried him to the rocking chair so that we could read our bedtime stories. He was looking at me and smiling as we went to the chair. Then his gaze shifted to the ceiling. He suddenly smiled and said, “hey” like he was greeting someone as he looked straight up at one spot on the ceiling. I was puzzled and curiously asked, “Who are you saying hey to?” My son simply replied, “God.”
Bring on Those Chills
Chills ran up my arm. For one, I bow my head when we pray, but my son looked up. My son was not even two years old at the time. I don’t know how my son knew that God was there, and I am not sure how my one year old knew that he could just say “hey” to God anytime. Did my one year old son feel that God is with us all the time? My mouth dropped open as I slowly made my way to the rocking chair. I could barely move, and I could barely focus on the book I was reading to my son. In awe, I asked myself, “what… just… happened!” I do know that I prayed for God to help us know that He is here, and God did! The surgery went smoothly and my son was home in a few hours.
We prayed and then this happened! A story of God’s presence today
About Lacy Ngo, MS, RDN and Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC
Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC focuses on how to live your healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. Several branches fall under the Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC umbrella. One is Mindful Vending, which is one of the few dietitian owned and operated vending companies in the nation!
Ngo is also a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and nutrition and is the author of several books including Faith, Mindfulness, & Nutrition, Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals and The Nourishing Meal Builder. You can also find evidence-based nutrition articles, recipes, convenient healthy snack lists, inspiring faith stories, and faith-based mindfulness techniques on her blog, Mindfulness in Faith and Food.
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This is such a fun Journal! You can use this journal to write down you prayers, questions, thoughts, and God moments. After writing, you can color in the journal while you pray and think about what you just wrote. What a great way to slow down and be mindful!
I have always loved journaling. I still have my Mickey Mouse journal from elementary school. My journaling evolved as I got older. Later, my writing switched from talking about the day and my latest crush to writing about God. I now keep a prayer journal, but the journal holds so much more than prayers. I do include my prayers to God, but I also write as I read scripture. In my little journal, I transcribe all of the thoughts and questions I have after reading scripture. I also include what I call “God Moments” in my journal.
Seeing God’s Presence Today through journaling, plus a short God moment story
I write every time I experience one of those amazing “that just gave me chills” moments. Do you know what I’m talking about? These are those stories that make you feel like God is talking to you, or those moments when you realize God is trying to get your attention. God moment stories often make you cry happy tears because you feel like God IS right there! These are stories about those moments when you FEEL God’s love and guidance.
Journal So That You Will Remember
After something beautiful and amazing happens, I think to myself, “wow, I won’t ever forget this!” But I have found that as time passes, I only remember some of the God Moments of my life. So I made it a priority to get those stories written ASAP before I forget! Do you know what I found after writing them down? These kinds of stories happen A LOT!!!! God is guiding us, and when I began collecting all of my God moments in a journal, I noticed just how often God has guided me.
My journal often feels like a broken record. The same most beautiful song is recorded in my journal over and over. These God moment stories are about all the random and not so random times when I would read something in the Bible at the exact time I needed to read it. God seems to often communicate to me and maybe you in this way.
God Moments: The Series
So this leads to the “Mindfulness in Faith and Food” new series announcement. Our new blog series is entitled, “God Moments.” I want to share these cool stories with others in hopes to comfort others in some way. God IS here! God does care! God is guiding us!
This Week’s God Moment Story: The Fear was Taking Over
In honor of this series, I want to share a short “God Moment” now. This God moment happened during a time when I was experiencing fear about something going on in our lives. On this particular day, fear was overtaking my day. I was experiencing this immense fear in the pit of my stomach. The fear was so strong that it was almost painful.
But Then I Found Comfort in God
Do you know that this very same day, I stumbled upon lessons about “trusting God when you are afraid” not once but twice?!!! The most impactful moment occurred when I was reading our nightly children’s devotional called God and Me to my son. I often like to read the context around a piece of scripture, but on this particular day the children’s devotional pulled just two sentences out of the Bible. The devotional simply said this, “Why are you so afraid? Do you STILL have no faith?” (Mark 4:40).
These words hit me smack in the heart and comforted my fearful soul. The fact that these two sentences were written in our devotional on this particular day made me feel like the words were being whispered to me. ‘Lacy, why are you SO afraid? Do you STILL have no faith?’ This soft critique was such a comfort. I felt as if God was saying that I could trust God. God’s got this!
My Prayer
Thank you, God, for finding ways to speak to us and guide us. I don’t know what I would do without your comfort and guidance. I am sorry for my lack of trust and for ALL the many…many…many times I fall short. You know, like that time yesterday and the day before… Thank you for guiding me and love me anyway. Amen.
18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life
This article has been updated and is an adaptation from a story in 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This unique book was written by Lacy Ngo, a dietitian nationally recognized as a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. She shares the exact steps that, based on science, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success in her book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This book is like nothing you have ever seen before. It combines faith and science. Both are crucial when it comes to producing real change because real change involves the mind, body, and spirit. This is an adaption from a story in the book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life.
Tell Me Your God Moments
I love to hear how God is working in our lives today. Please tell me some of your God moments in the comments section. How has God guided you and comforted you in your life?