Ah…blogging. When I started two years ago, I had no idea what I was getting into. I also had no idea how much I would love it! Blogging just felt right. I loved writing and was contantly getting the urge to write. The topics and ideas came to me day and night and at the most inconvenient times. I have even pulled over onto the side of the road just so I could get a paragraph or phrase written down, and I have gotten up in the middle of the night because I had a whole blog post floating around in my head that needed get on paper. I just could sleep until I wrote the whole post! Coming up with posts was easy. In fact, I have so many things I want to write about that I think it will take years for me to get through them all. I actually have a whole list in a notebook, and the list keeps growing. While writing posts came easily, blog branding took a little more time for me.
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Learning about Blog Branding
Learning the most effective ways to promote my blog…took a little research and trial and error. Fortunately, I have found several techniques that have helped my blog grow. I am writing this post in hopes that I can help other new bloggers just as I was helped by other bloggers when I first started. Perhaps, a new blogger (maybe you) will stumble across this post as they are doing their own research on blog branding.

Step 1: Before you can promote your blog and brand, you first have to determine your brand.
You can figure out your brand by asking yourself these questions:
What is my niche?
A niche is what your blog is specifically about. Make sure you get this down first so that you can match your style and logo to your niche.
Since my niche is about mindful living and nutrition, I like to use beautiful restful flowers and kitchen items in many of my post images, and my books.
Here is a picture of my ebook to give you an example. See how this image of a fork and a flower fits my niche?

What is my color scheme and style?
I have always liked shades of pinks, greens, and teals so I went with this look. I also picked two fun fonts that I tend to frequently use. My favorite fonts are Great Vibes and Arimo. Once you pick your color scheme and fonts, use then often. Use them on your logo, graphics, Pinterest pins/boards, Instagram, and promotional items.
What will your Logo Look Like?
Next develop your logo. I developed my simple logo using Canva. Again, I picked my favorite colors. (These were actually the colors I used in my wedding 15 years ago!) I figured I better pick colors I love no matter what the trend because I will be looking at these colors and logo for a long time.
I chose a simple logo since my blog is about slowing down and being in the moment with mindfulness.
Step 2: Get Your Brand Noticed By Promotiong your Brand
Now that you have your brand identity, you can start promoting it.
Three of my favorite ways to get your blog noticed
1. Continually post your brand look on social media and pinterest.
I have my brand logo at the top of my facebook page as well as on all my Pinterest board covers. People will gradually start recognizing your look. Over time, your blog will become familiar and recognizable to your readers.
2. Add your Logo and color scheme to Business Cards and T-Shirts.
This one is different than many of the other tips I have come across, but I have found that business cards have helped me immensely. Business cards are perfect for those times when your blog naturally comes up in conversation and the person you are talking with wants to know how to find your blog. I have actually found many readers this way. Along with the business cards, I also had a few Mindfulness in Faith and Food T-shirts made. These Logo T-shirts are great conversation starters. (Positive Promotions makes cute logo t-shirts for businesses.) After these t-shirts spark an interest, I can hand the person a business card so that they can easily find the blog.
3. Purchase fun logo items to hand out at events.
Businesses do this to promote their company, but many bloggers haven’t realized how valuable this techniques is when it comes to promoting a blog. Because I have a faith-based nutrition blog, I like to use my giveaway items at events like health fairs and church events. I decided to purchase these cute salad cups from Positive Promtions because they went well with my niche and brand. These cups have been used several times already. I participated in a health fair and gave all the guest these Mindfulness in Faith and Food salad containers. Those salad containers were a HUGE hit, and I recieved many new subscribers during that ONE health fair. More recently I gave the salad containers to each teacher at my daughter’s school as a gift for Teacher’s appreciation week.

So do you have a mom blog? Try giving out your promotional items at family festivals or family focused events. Do you write a food blog? You can give away promotional items at food festivals or Farmer’s markets. The possibilities are endless.
You can also give away this items as an extra thank you when someone purchases another product. Your readers will use the items around other people who will also see your blog logo!
I get my blog promotional products from Positive Promotions. I like them because they have a HUGE variety of fun and unique items…like my salad containers.
Take Home Message: Be Creative
There you have it…. my top three ways to get my blog noticed. I hope you found these ideas helpful. The take home message is be creative! You can find so many ways to get your Logo and blog out there.
I Want to hear from you!
What creative ways have your gotten your blog and brand noticed? Please share your ideas in the comments! If you found this post helpful, please like, pin, and share!
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