These healthy breakfast burritos are perfect for busy mornings. Simply keep them frozen in the freezer until you are ready to eat. When you are ready to eat, you can grab one of these healthy breakfast burritos and heat it up in the microwave for 2 minutes! That’s it sooo easy!!!
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A Healthy Breakfast Freezer Meal for busy mornings! These make ahead and freeze healthy breakfast burritos are perfect for busy families! Developed by Registered Dietitian, Lacy Ngo, MS, RDN
Serves 6
Plastic Wrap
Gallon Freezer Bag
5 Eggs or 1.5 cups of egg substitute like Egg Beaters
1 Onion (To save time, you can buy an already-chopped onion container)
Mindfulnes in Faith and Freezer Meals is a faith-based mindful living and nutriion ebook written by a registered dietitian. This book is so packed full of invaluable information that it is hard to describe it in one sentence (hence the need for this “70 reasons” post). So keep reading the list to truly understand what is in this book. But if I had to describe it in one (or three sentences) I would say this:
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals is designed to help you live YOUR healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindfulness and nutrition. This book is perfect for busy families who want to eat healthy and organize their lives in order to follow God and server others more fully. Timesaving, make-ahead healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes, as well as mindful living and mindful eating techniques are included.
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70 ways that the faith-based mindful living and mindful eating practices explored in “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” transformed my life.
70 Reasons you NEED Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals
The Perks to Learning to Live a Faith-Based Mindful Life
1. You want less stress in your life.
Mindfulness techniques have been shown to have a huge impact on stress. Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals provides detailed stress-relieving mindful living and mindful eating techniques. For me, the faith-based mindfulness techniques included in this book provide the greatest impact when it comes to stress relief.
2. You want to improve your mood through mindfulness.
Did you know preliminary observations show that Mindfulness programs in schools may improve social behaviors, mood, stress levels, and even academic performance and test score? Schools are even reporting less suspensions, detentions, violent incidents, principal visits, bullying, and classroom disruptions since incorporating mindfulness programs! If these mindfulness techniques can improve the moods of children in schools, perhaps they can help you too!
3. You want to improve your brain function and focus through faith-based mindfulness.
Notice these school mindfulness programs seem to help with academic performance and test scores as well. Mindfulness techniques help clear our minds of all the other thousands of thoughts preventing us from focusing, and we know that stress can hinder our ability to focus and pay attention. This is where those stress relieving mindfulness techniques can be helpful. Plus, when we practice faith-based mindfulness, we learn to notice God in the present moment. Feeling God’s presence and knowing God is with us, provides peace and comfort like nothing else. Talk about a stress reliever.
4. You want more control over your emotions and actions.
When I practice faith-based mindfulness, I listen to God more. Listening to God helps me make better choices because I’m not letting negative emotions take control of my actions. (At least not as often, anyway)
5. You want to enjoy the present…
6. And have a more positive outlook on life.
One aspect of mindfulness is focusing on being present in the moment. Another aspect of mindfulness is focusing on the positive in your life in that moment. With faith-based mindfulness, you are focusing on how God is present with you in that very moment. While focusing on God’s presence you get to notice all the gifts from God and the beautiful little things in God’s world. Soon after incorporating some of these mindfulness practices, you may begin to notice that you have a much more grateful attitude. (This helps with everyday life situations and annoyances. Sometimes bad things happen and you will, of course, feel sad and upset. Those feeling are completely okay. You should let yourself feel them.)
7. You want to experience those goose-bump, “God is here,” moments a little more often.
When I intentionally focus on God in the present moment, I actually SEE what God is doing in my life and the lives of others around me. By focusing on God in the present moment, I get to experience the feeling of amazement more often, and I WANT TO BE AMAZED!!! (Don’t we all want to be beautifully amazed?)
9. And notice God as God guides you through your day.
10. You want to strengthen your walk with God.
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals explores not only mindfully pausing and praying before eating, but also discusses mindfully pausing before doing anything! Pausing before eating was crucial for my nutritional health, but I began to notice how crucial the pause was in every aspect of my life. I began to notice the impact of pausing and praying before entering any new environment whether the new environment was a park, a friend’s home, or the grocery store.
Pausing and praying, was life changing. I began to notice the importance of pausing and praying when I felt angry, or before saying something difficult, or before even talking with my children. When I forget to pause, I noticed the difference in MY actions and my strength to endure life. On the days that I do a better job of pausing, I notice God’s presence and God’s guidance more.
The Perks to Cooking A Month of Meals in One Day
11. We have established that life is stressful, but meal planning and cooking shouldn’t have to be.
I love to cook, but I found that I didn’t have the time to cook everyday. Trying to juggle cooking, soccer practice, dance class, volunteer meetings, work, cleaning the house, and all the other “mom duties” was just causing too much stress. Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals shows you how to cook a month of healthy freezer meals in one day. Talk about taking the stress out of cooking! I cook once, and I am done for the whole month.
12. Your life is too busy!
To piggyback on #11, sometimes we just can’t find the time to cook healthy meals. When you prep and freeze them all at once, you have time for the other things you want to do.
13. You want to save money.
This book helps you save money in multiple ways. Because you have food on hand, you eat out less. We all know that eating out is expensive. Since you are cooking everything at once, you can bulk shop and thus get bulk prices. This book also provides money saving tips and tricks that I use while grocery shopping. My grocery bill has substantially gone down since I started freezer meal cooking.
14. I can serve others through food.
Food nourishes, comforts, provides energy, and sustains us. After a long day, sitting down to eat gives us needed rest. Food is a gift from God, and when we eat, we are about as close to God’s creation as we can get. In fact, if you think about it, we are actually taking God’s creation into our bodies. So, I think, when we give someone food, it is the ultimate sign of our love for them.
A benefit to having all of these freezer meals on hand is that we have food ready ASAP when our friends or family could use it. Whether a friend just had a baby or just got home from surgery, you have a freezer meal ready to give.
15. You want more time to serve God and others.
Cooking, grocery shopping, and meal planning can be extremely time consuming. One of my priorities in life is to serve God and others. With all my meals done, I have time to spend quiet time with God, and I have more time to love on and serving others in our community.
16. You don’t have to make all your recipes at once, but if you do want to make them all at once, this book shows you how to do it quickly and Efficiently.
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals provides steps and pro tips on how to make all the recipes in one day. These “Efficiency Pro-tips” are strategically placed where you would actually need the tip if you were making all the recipes at once.
17. No need to make a grocery list.
Along with the recipes and “Efficiently Pro Tips,” a complete grocery list is included as well! Blank spots are even included in case you want to add snacks, paper products, or other misc. items to your grocery list.
18. You want your kids to eat healthier, and these are kid-friendly make-ahead meal.
Sometimes convenient food is not as tasty as the good ole’ home cooked stuff. Well, this is real home cooked food! But it is still convenient because you fixed it all in one day!
21. You want to eat at home more.
Before I started this freezer meal routine in my home, there just wasn’t enough time in the day to do it all AND cook. We would often find ourselves grabbing take-out, going to a restaurant, going through a drive through, or eating random less healthy stuff for dinner, and yet as a dietitian, I knew needed to figure something out. This make-ahead freezer meal routine was the solution I needed.
22. Meal planning is not only time consuming, it is mentally draining.
We often have such a huge mental load along with our physical load. Our brains have to organize and remember soo much information. After a long day, opening up that fridge, and trying to make yet another decision, is just too much. The meal planning is done when you do it all in one day! Seriously, many times I just grab the first freezer meal I see. They are all yummy so I know dinner is going to be good regardless of what I grab.
23. You get to have one mindful day to yourself every month.
Mindfulness gives your brain a chance to rest. You rest your brain by centering or focusing your thoughts on one thing. Often times that one thing is breathing. Another component to mindfulness is focusing on the present moment. I use my cooking day as a chance to center my brain on one thing- cooking the food from God’s earth.
When I cook, it is just me and God in the kitchen. I say a prayer and thank God for this food, and for all the people who will be nourished by the food.
When I am stirring, I focus on stirring. I notice how the spoon feels in my hand, and how the food moves in the bowl.
You can also practice a little self-care during your cooking day. Turn on the music, or drink a glass of wine. The point is to slow down and be in the moment. Don’t focus on finishing fast. Remember, I provide efficiency tips so you don’t have to worry about that. In fact, frantically rushing often actually slows us down because we make mistakes.
24. You don’t want to keep buying healthy stuff, only for it to spoil before you get to eat it.
This was a huge problem for me before Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals. I would buy, say, healthy fruits and vegetables to make a salad, and I would really enjoy that salad. And I would even eat the salad again for lunch the next day, but then I didn’t want to eat the same vegetables for a third day. I wanted variety, but if I ate variety, my food would spoil. Now I have all these amazing vegetables and whole grains safely frozen so that I can change up what I eat. Now my food doesn’t spoil and…
25. I get to eat a variety of foods. With freezer meals, I can mix-and-match and change up what I am eating everyday.
26. You want to lose weight.
I don’t want to focus too much on this because all sizes can be healthy. Some people are naturally smaller and some naturally weigh more. We have different builds and genetics. Plus, other things like medications, medical conditions, and even uncontrollable seasons in life can affect weight.
But I also don’t want you to feel that wanting to lose weight is somehow wrong. You may want to see if weight loss will help you have more energy or help with a medical condition. Maybe you feel like you could keep up with your children more if you carried less weight, or maybe you want to see if weight loss can help with joint pain.
There are reasons you may desire weight loss, and fortunately mindful eating can help with weight loss while also helping you stop that food obsessing often associated with dieting. The Mindful eating techniques, recipes, and nutrition tips provided in this book will help you feel full and notice your hunger/satiety cues. Moreover, the desire to binge decreases because you are actually enjoying your food ALL THE TIME.
In a nutshell, with Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals, you don’t need to focus on weight; you can just know that you are eating well by developing a routine using recipes and tips in the book.
27. You want to maintain your weight.
Maybe you don’t want to lose weight, but you do want to maintain a healthy weight. The techniques, tips, and recipes in this book can help you maintain your weight as well.
28. So we have established that this book shows you how to efficiently make all your breakfast, lunches, and dinners in one day, but what of you just want to make a month of dinners?
You can! The recipes and a complete grocery list for just dinners are also included.
29. And guess what. A complete grocery list for just the breakfast recipes is included too.
So if you have your dinners covered but want more breakfast meals ready to go, your can just make a month of breakfast meals if you prefer.
30. A complete grocery list for just the lunch recipes is included as well so you can also just make the lunches.
31. You are about to have a baby, and you know you are going to be sleep-deprived and time-crunched soon.
I have had so many people report that these meals have been lifesavers when they were in the newborn phase of parenting. I even had a couple of moms tell me that they ended up having to be on bed restat the end of their pregnancy, and these meals were everything!
32. When you are ready to eat breakfast or lunch (or even dinner if you want), all your need to do is microwave.
The breakfast and lunch recipes are pre-portioned because many of us eat our breakfast or lunches on our own. When it is time to eat, you can just put one of your meals in the microwave for 2 minutes, and it is ready!!!
33. Dinners are perfect of family meals.
In the ebook, I recommend packaging your dinners family style. That way you just simply throw your meal in the crockpot or oven, and your meal for the whole family is done!
34. You have healthy food ready to take to work.
These pre-packaged home-cooked microwavable lunches are PERFECT for work!
35. Meal prepping is one of the keys to weight loss.
Most of us need to get a little organized and form some sort of easy to follow routine in order to make real lasting changes. Well, Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals IS the ultimate meal prep book because the ebook shows you how to prep ALL your meals for a month at once!!!
36. Another cool thing about having these freezer meals on hand is that you can host guests anytime.
Lots of these recipes work great for parties and socials! Having the girls over for a brunch? Just heat up some crustless quiches. Did you decide last minute to have people over to watch a football game? Throw the burrito dip into the crockpot, and you are ready to host!
37. Enjoy more family time.
I am free to play with my children or help them with homework in the afternoons because I’m not cooking!
We are now consistently having family dinnertime together! I get to have even more quality family time while sitting at the dinner table.
The Perks to Mindful Nutrition and Mindful Eating
70 ways Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals Transformed my Life through Faith-based mindfulness and nutrition: mindful eating techniques and healthy make-ahead recipes included.
38. Learn mindful eating techniques as well as…
39. Learn about the one prayer before a meal that stopped me (a dietitian) from overeating.
There is something about turning on the music and just spending some uninterrupted time in the kitchen one day each month (My meals last 3 months for my family, so I only cook these freezer meals once every three months!)
42. Sneak in more vegetables.
Having vegetables mixed in as part of your main meal, definitely can up your vegetable intake for the day!
43. You want to enjoy your food.
Many times, dieting and food rules, take the joy out of eating. Mindful eating brings the joy back tenfold.
44. You want to stop binge eating.
With mindful eating, you are always mindfully enjoying your food; thus, you never feel deprived. Therefore, your desires to binge eat decreases.
45. You are tired of mustering up enough willpower to diet.
Remember if you are always enjoying your food, then you don’t need willpower.
46. You just want healthy, delicious recipes, but you don’t want to cook all your foods in one day.
You can still make these recipes one at a time whenever you want. There is no rule that says you have to cook them all at once if you don’t want to.
47. Healthy Snack Ideas are included.
Chapter 22 provides a list of healthy and EASY snacks!
48. A registered dietitian wrote the eBook.
A registered dietitian, by definition, is considered the expert in the field of nutrition science. The term Registered Dietitian is actually different than a nutritionist. In fact, the term nutritionist is not a regulated term and has a more general meaning. The term, registered dietitian, however, is regulated much like the terms doctor or lawyer. In other words, you are not allowed to call yourself a doctor unless you are a doctor, and you cannot call yourself a registered dietitian unless you have completed all the academic and professional requirements.
To become an RD you must complete a bachelors degree at a college accredited by the Commission of Accreditation of Dietetic Education; complete 1200 hours of a competitive internship; pass the CDR Exam; and by 2024, all register dietitian will be required to have a master’s degree as well. Many RD’s already do. Registered dietitians are required to complete Continuing Education Units throughout their career to keep their registered dietitian credentials.
You can find amazing nutrition books by non-dietitians, but you can see why seeing that RD or RDN beside an author’s name in a nutrition book is a plus.
49. Mindful eating demo video is provided.
You don’t have to just read about mindful eating. The ebook also provides a link to an actual mindful eating demo video so you can actually SEE what mindful eating looks like.
50. Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals not only discusses mindful eating, but also discussed how to mindfully plate your foods to prevent over-filling your plate.
51. A collection of over 300 dietitian-approved healthy eating and fitness tips and tricks are included like…
52. Snacking Tips (Chapter 6)
53. Dining Out Tips (Chapter 7)
54. Portion Control Tips (Chapter 8)
55. “How to Make Your Own Recipes Healthier” (Chapter 9)
56. “Health and Fitness Tips for Vacationers and Frequent Travelers” (Chapter 10)
57. “When my Work Environment Causes Weight Gain” (Chapter 12)
58. “Eating Healthy at Social Gatherings” (Chapter 12)
59. “Developing an Exercise Routine” (Part 1, Chapter 13)
60. “How to Exercise when Your Kids Are Always Around” (Part 3, Chapter 13)
61. “But What if I am Too Busy to Exercise” (Part 4, Chapter 13)
62. “Ways to Sneak Exercise into your Day” (Part 5, Chapter 13)
63. You can use your results from the included interactive quiz, to determine which tips and tricks you think would make the biggest impact in your life.
64. A “Putting it All Together: Routine Planning Worksheet,” is also included in the book.
You can use this worksheet to figure the habits you would like to implement into your routine.
65. Learn how to organize your kitchen to promote lasting changes
66. Feel satisfied and full after eating these freezer meals.
These meals are hearty, delicious, comfort classics done in a healthier way. They are also abundant in fiber, which helps you feel full.
67. Along with fiber, these meals are full of essential vitamins and minerals.
68. Mindful eating can aid in digestion.
How? Although most digestive enzymes are released in the stomach. Digestion actually starts in the mouth. In fact, one enzyme, called Salivary Amylase, is released in the mouth. This enzyme starts breaking down carbohydrates. Cool fact, if you let a piece of bread sit in your mouth for a moment, you may notice a sweeter taste. That taste occurs because the more complex carbohydrate breaks down into a simpler sugar. Also chewing thoroughly gives those other enzymes in your stomach more surface area to do their work, which again promotes healthy digestion and absorption.
69. Mindful eating can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
We established in #68 that Mindful eating aids in digestion. Healthy digestion promotes gut health. Poor gut health is related to inflammation and reduced immune function. Gut health, inflammation and immunity are all linked to many condition including IBS, Crohn’s, Autoimmune Disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, stroke, brain function and focus, mood and even depression and anxiety, to name a few. So anything that promotes a healthy gut is something worth looking into in my book. (Fortunately, a mindful eating guide IS included in my book!)
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals is designed to help you live YOUR healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindfulness and nutrition.
What Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals is NOT
This Freezer meal plan is NOT a rigid “you must eat these freezer meals” plan. This isn’t about strict rules or dieting. Not eating these meals is NOT wrong. In other words, you have not messed up if you go out to eat one night or if you decide to fix something other than your freezer meals one night. If your routine changes sometimes, you have NOT broken a rule or failed. In fact, I provide eating out tips as well as other helpful tips about portion control, snacking, and more.
You can use these provided tips along with your freezer meals to customize a routine that works for your family. I have also provided a chapter on mindful eating. You can incorporate mindful eating everywhere and anytime. You will see how mindfully eating, in my opinion, is one of the number one ways to maintain and lose weight if this is one of your desires.
So read the step-by-step mindful eating guide and incorporate it even when your routine is out of whack. You can mindfully eat at home, at work, at restaurants, and on vacation. Mindful eating techniques travel well, so to speak. This meal plan is meant to make life and eating healthier and easier for you and your family. This plan just makes it easy to eat healthy meals when you are too busy and overwhelmed. This is for families who just want a simple routine to relieve the stress of meal planning and cooking.
How has Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals Helped You?
Has the Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals ebook changed your life in some way? Email me your transformation story by using the Contact Me form on Maybe you have even experienced another benefit from Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals that I haven’t even thought of. Please email me any of your stories and experiences. I would be so thankful that you took the time to tell me. 🙂
I am not exaggerating when I say making a month’s worth of healthy freezer meals in one day has changed my life!
(Keep reading for a month’s worth of healthy dinner recipes, but if you want to learn how to make a month of healthy breakfast, lunch, AND dinner recipes in one day, you may want to look into the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals,” ebook. The recipes and grocery lists are included. Plus the ebook is much more than just recipes. The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook also includes strategies and “pro tips” on how to efficiently cook all your meals in ONE Day!)
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals eBook
I mean who wouldn’t love cooking for one day each month and then being done for the whole month! The benefits are endless.
I have more daily free time;
My grocery bill has decreased,
My family is eating healthier, and
I am less stressed about what to cook and when am I going to cook each night.
We are also eating at home more because we are less likely to say, “There’s nothing to eat so lets just go out.” As you can imagine, planning and prepping a months worth of freezer meals in one day is also a fantastic weight loss technique for ALL of the above reasons! Plus enjoying your food is probably one of the most important tips for lasting weight loss. These freezer meals are delicious, nutritious, easy homecooked meals that you can enjoy. Also remember to practice mindfulness to further enjoy your meals.
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*One of the perks to cooking a month’s worth of freezer meals ahead of time is you can save money by buying in bulk. You also save by sticking to a grocery list. Another way I save a huge amount of money is by using ibotta whether I grocery shop in a grocery store or online. I have saved so much money ever since I downloaded the free ibotta app to my phone.
Make a Month’s Worth of Freezer Meals in One Day
After I grocery shop, I spend a few hours one day making these meals, and boom I have finished cooking my dinners for a month!
So for this post I wanted to provide you with 15 of my favorite freezer meals. One freezer meal last our family of four for 2 meals so 15 meals provides our family 30 dinners, i.e. a months worth of dinners. When you take into account that we will eat out occasionally, these 15 meals will often last our family for MORE than a month! You can always double the recipes for larger families. The recipes and grocery list are included in this post.
How to make a Healthy Plate with your Freezer Meals
When I am ready to eat a meal, I usually add a quick and easy microwavable vegetable side. After all, the whole point of making freezer meals ahead is so that I don’t have to do a bunch of cooking every day. My absolute favorites are the SteamFresh Vegetables from Birdseye and the Green Giant Steamers. You don’t even have to put these vegetables in a bowl!!! You literally put the bag in the microwave and press a button!
When I eat the slow cooker meals, I usually eat them with a healthy whole grain carbohydrate or carbohydrate substitute, I simply add the already-cooked healthy carbohydrate to the meal after the meal is finished cooking in the slow cooker. Some meals already have the starch in the recipe like the Mexican pasta for example, and for some you will add the carb or carb substitute to your meal after cooking. Again, I don’t want to do any extra cooking so I use “easy to prepare” type products like minute brown rice, whole wheat pasta, SteamFresh or Green Giant microwavable cauliflower rice, SteamFresh microwavable zucchini pasta, or Green Giant Spirals. Green Giant Steamers and Birdseye SteamFresh Vegetables seriously make eating healthy sooo easy. Again, you literally put the bag in the microwave. That is it! Then combine the cauliflower rice, zucchini pasta, or spirals with your already-cooked slow cooker meal and you have an amazing meal, and your kids are eating more vegetables.
The Infograph below explains how to make a healthy plate with your freezer meals including the suggested sides. Again, basically add one of the suggested whole grains/starch substitutes and a vegetable side and you have a nutrtious low calorie meal:
Freezer Meal Plating Steps
Sooo quick and easy!
And Here They Are: 15 Freezer Meal Recipes (Do you Want Breakfast and Lunch too? Check out the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook. Make all your breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes for the whole month in one day!)
* Updated on September 11, 2018
*Tip: Cook all the ground meat at once and chop all the vegetables at once. Then add all the ingredients to the bags and casserole dishes per each recipe directions.
This one is so versatile. It is a slow cooker, pressure cooker, saute and steamer all in one!
To find a list of all the cookware you will need to start your freezer meal routine click here.
1. Cheesy Cauliflower Tot
2. Chicken Cacciatore
3. Chicken Masala
4. Chicken Chili
5. Crockpot Mushroom Chicken
6. Sour Cream and Onion Chicken Potatoes
7. Asian Chicken
8. Chili Con Carne
9. Mexican Chili
10. Is it Really Healthy? Lasagna
11. Mexican Pasta
12. Crockpot Broccoli Tot Casserole
13. Sweat and Sour Meatballs 14. Italian Wedding Soup
15. Turkey Meatball Vegetable Soup
16. Meatball Minestrone Soup
Making Freezer Meals Ahead of Time is a Great Weight Loss Technique
Cauliflower Cheesy Tot
4 servings
1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pound ground turkey
• 1 cup of your favorite cream of chicken soup
• 1 cup Shredded cheddar cheese
• Frozen Cauliflower of Broccoli tots
To Freeze 1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to 3 months.
To Cook
1. Add to crockpot.
2. Cook on “low” setting for 8 hours.
Serve with a Vegetable side (I prefer the quick microwavable SteamFresh vegetables)
Chicken Cacciatore
Servings 4
1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts- Cut into bite-size pieces
• 24 oz jar of Pasta sauce
• 1 zucchini, chopped
• 1 green bell pepper, chopped
• 1 cup chopped yellow onion
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag except chicken broth.
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
1. The morning of cooking, pour contents into your crockpot.
2. Cook on “low” setting for 6-8
Serve with whole-wheat spaghetti and salad.
Chicken Masala
Servings 6
* 1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
• 1 cup Onion
• 24 oz of Pasta sauce
• 1 Tbs Garlic Powder
• 2 tablespoons Honey
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 8 oz light cream cheese
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date.
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
1. Add contents of freezer bag to crockpot and cook on “low” setting for 6-8 hours or until the chicken is fully cooked through
Serve over naan, brown rice, or steam fresh cauliflower rice with a vegetable side (I prefer the quick and easy microwavable SteamFresh vegetables)
4. Chicken Chili
Servings 6
1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into small bite-sized pieces• 1 medium yellow onion (one cup), chopped
• 8 oz black beans, drained and rinsed
• 8 oz cannellini beans (white kidney beans), drained and rinsed
• ½ cup chopped green peppers
• ½ cup chopped red peppers
• 4 oz cream cheese-light
• 1 cup frozen corn
• 12 teaspoons garlic powder
• 1 packet chili powder
• 4 cups canned chicken broth (Not needed until the day you eat)
To Freeze
1.Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date.
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
1. Add contents of the freezer bag and 16 oz. of chicken broth to crockpot and cook on “low” setting for 6-8 hours or until the chicken is fully cooked 2. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
Top with sour cream, light cheese, and tortilla chips
Slow Cooker Mushroom Chicken
Serves 4-6
1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
• 2 Tablespoons honey
* 2 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar
*1 Teaspoon Onion Powder Mix
• 8 oz cam mushroom
• 1 cup chopped onion
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
• 1/2 cups chicken broth (*add to Crockpot when cooking)
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date.
2. Add all ingredients except chicken broth to your freezer bag 3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
1. Add contents of freezer bag and chicken broth to the crockpot and cook on “low” setting for 6-8 hours or until chicken is fully cooked
Serve over Brown rice, SteamFresh cauliflower rice, whole-wheat pasta, or SteamFresg Zucchini pasta with a vegetable side (I prefer SteamFresh)
Cream Cheese and Onion Chicken Potatoes
Serves 4-6
* 1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into bite-size pieces
• 3 Tablespoons Cornstarch
• 4 oz. cream cheese
• 1 cup chopped Onion
• 1 Pound of Red Potatoes
• 2 teaspoons black pepper
• 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
• 1 cup chicken broth (not needed until day of cooking)
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag except chicken broth.
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
1. The morning of cooking, pour contents into your crockpot; add chicken broth.
2. Cook on “low” setting for 6-8
Serve over whole-wheat pasta or the SteamFresh Zucchini Pasta with a Vegetable Side.
Asian Chicken
Serves 4
1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breast- cut into bite-sized pieces
• 1 small onion, diced
• 1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
• 4 Tablespoons honey
• 1/2 cup soy sauce
• 1/3 cup ketchup
• 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon pepper
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to 3 months.
To Cook
1. Add to crockpot.
2. Cook on “low” setting for 8 hours or until chicken is fully cooked.
Serve over brown rice or cauliflower rice with a Vegetable side (I prefer the quick microwavable SteamFresh vegetables)
Chili Con Carne
Serves 6
1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pound ground turkey
• 1 small yellow onion, peeled and chopped (1 cup)
• 8 oz can mushrooms
• ½ cans kidney beans, drained and rinsed
• 24 oz pasta sauce
• 4 large cloves of garlic, minced
• 1 package chili powder
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date.
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag.
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
Add contents of freezer bag to crockpot and cook on “low” setting for 6-10 hours or high for 4 hours. Cook until the chicken is done all the way through.
Serve with brown rice or SteamFresh Cauliflower rice; top with shredded cheese, sour cream.
Mexican Chili
Serves 4-6
1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pound ground turkey
• 1 small yellow onion, peeled and chopped (1 cup)
• 1 medium-sized green bell pepper, chopped
• 1 cup frozen corn
• 8 oz. can black beans
• 24 oz can pasta sauce
• 1 taco seasoning packet
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date.
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag.
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
Add contents of freezer bag to crockpot and cook on “low” setting for 6-10 hours or high for 4 hours.
Serve over brown rice or over a whole-wheat roll topped with provolone cheese Serve with a Vegetable side (I like the Microwavable SteamFresh Vegetables)
Top with shredded cheese and tortilla chips.
Is this Really Healthy? Lasagna
Serves 6Materials
• 9”x13” pans (Glass, aluminum, or disposable)
• Plastic wrap
• Aluminum foil
• 1 pound ground turkey- cooked
• 2 large eggs
• 15 oz of ricotta cheese
• 1 cups shredded parmesan cheese
• 8 oz mozzarella cheese, freshly shredded and divided in half
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 1 teaspoon pepper
• 24 oz jars of pasta sauce
• 2 cup Frozen spinach, chopped (about 3 cups)
• 9 oz box of “oven ready” lasagna noodles with no boiling required
To Freeze
1. In a large bowl, create cheese filling by combining eggs ,ricotta, parmesan, half of the mozzarella cheese, parsley, salt, and pepper.
2. Spread a thin layer of pasta sauce at the bottom of each pan.
3. Next Layer: 3 Lasagna Noodles
4. Next layer: ½ the Cheese filling
5. Next Layer: 1 cup the Frozen spinach
6. Next Layer: Sprinkle with Cooked Ground Turkey
7. Next layer: Pasta sauce
8. Repeat each layer one more time
9. Add Mozzarella cheese on top. Make sure the noodles are covered entirely with sauce and cheese so they don‘t get crunchy when they bake 10. Cover each pan with layers of plastic wrap and foil
11. Label the tin foil with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
12. Freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Remove plastic wrap and replace foil. Bake frozen lasagna 60 minutes or until center is hot. Remove foil and bake for additional 5-10 minutes or until cheese on top is melted
• 1 pound ground turkey
• 1 packet taco seasoning
• 4 ounces cream cheese
• One 12 oz box of Whole-Wheat Pasta
• 8 oz jar of salsa
• 8 oz jar of taco sauce (2 cups)
• 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated
• 1 cup Mozzarella cheese, grated
To Freeze
1. Brown the ground beef and ground turkey
2. Add taco seasoning and cream cheese to the pan
3. Stir until cream cheese is melted.
4. Cook Pasta separately per directions on the package
5. Add meat mixture, salsa, cheddar, mozzarella, taco sauce, and pasta to the 9” X 13” pan; Blend all ingredients together
6. Cover each pan with layers of plastic wrap and foil,
7. Label the tin foil with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date.
8. Freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
Preheat oven to 350°F. Remove plastic wrap and replace foil. Bake for 1 hour. Remove foil and bake an additional 10-15 minutes.
12. Crockpot Broccoli Tot Casserole
Serves 4
• 1 gallon-sized freezer bag
• 1 pound skinless boneless chicken breasts
• 1 cup of your favorite cream of chicken soup
• 1 cup Shredded cheddar cheese
• Frozen Cauliflower of Broccoli tots
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag 8. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to 3 months.
To Cook
1. Add to crockpot.
2. Cook on “low” setting for 8 hours.
Serve with a Vegetable side (I prefer the quick microwavable SteamFresh vegetables)
Sweet and Sour Meatballs
Serves 6
*1 gallon-sized freezer bag
Parchment Paper
To Cook the Meatballs (skip this part if you are using frozen meatballs)
Ingredients for Homemade Meatballs
• 1 pounds lean ground turkey
• 1/2 cup skim milk
• 2 large eggs
• 1/2 package onion soup mix
• 4 oz. Frozen Spinach
• ½ cup Uncooked Old Fashioned oats
• 1 tsp. Montreal seasoning
• 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 1/2 teaspoon pepper
• Cooking spray
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. In a medium-mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients except tomato sauce. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
3. Mold your meat into balls using either your hands or a meat baller.
4. Bake on 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until internal meatball temperature registers 160 degrees.
Ingredients for the Rest of the Recipe
• 1 pounds of frozen turkey meatballs or fully cooked homemade meatballs • 1 onion, cut into slices
• 1 green pepper, cut into slices
• 1 red pepper, cut into slices
• 1 yellow pepper, cut into slices
• 2.5 cups of spicy BBQ sauce
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
2. Add all ingredients to your freezer bag
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to 3 months.
To Cook
1.Add to crockpot.
2.Cook on “low” setting for 8 hours.
Serve over brown rice or Cauliflower rice with a vegetable side
Easy Cheesy Italian Meatballs
Serves 6
*1 gallon-sized freezer bag
Parchment Paper
To Cook the Meatballs (skip this part if you are using frozen meatballs)
Ingredients for Homemade Meatballs
• 1 pounds lean ground turkey
• 1/2 cup skim milk
• 2 large eggs
• 1/2 package onion soup mix
• 4 oz. Frozen Spinach
• ½ cup Uncooked Old Fashioned oats
• 1 tsp. Montreal seasoning
• 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 1/2 teaspoon pepper
• Cooking spray
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. In a medium-mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients except tomato sauce. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
3. Mold your meat into balls using either your hands or a meat baller.
4. Bake on 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until internal meatball temperature registers 160 degrees.
Ingredients for the Rest of the Recipe
• 1 pound frozen turkey meatballs or fully cooked homemade meatballs
• 1 small onion, diced (one cup)
• 1 cup carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
• 2 cups frozen spinach
• 2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1 tablespoon Montreal steak seasoning
• 4 cups chicken broth *not needed until day of cooking
• 1 cup uncooked whole-wheat pasta or SteamFresh Zucchini pasta *not needed until day of cooking.
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
2. To your freezer bag, add all ingredients except pasta and broth.
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to 3 months.
To Cook
1. Add to crockpot with chicken broth.
2. Cook on “low” setting for 8 hours.
3. Cook Pasta per package direction and add to the crockpot when the sauce is finished cooking.
Turkey Meatball Vegetable Soup
Serves 6
*1 gallon-sized freezer bag
Parchment Paper
To Cook the Meatballs (skip this part if you are using frozen meatballs)
Ingredients for Homemade Meatballs
• 1 pounds lean ground turkey
• 1/2 cup skim milk
• 2 large eggs
• 1/2 package onion soup mix
• 4 oz. Frozen Spinach
• ½ cup Uncooked Old Fashioned oats
• 1 tsp. Montreal seasoning
• 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 1/2 teaspoon pepper
• Cooking spray
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. In a medium-mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients except tomato sauce. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
3. Mold your meat into balls using either your hands or a meat baller.
4. Bake on 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until internal meatball temperature registers 160 degrees.
Ingredients for the Rest of the Recipe
• 1 pound frozen turkey meatballs or fully cooked homemade meatballs
• 24 oz jar of pasta sauce
• 1 cup carrots, peeled and sliced
• 1 cups Frozen green beans, ends cut off and cut into bite-sized pieces
• 1 large zucchini, ends cut off and cut into bite-sized pieces
• 1 small yellow onion, diced (1 cup)
• 4 cups chicken broth *not needed until day of cooking
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date.
2. Add all ingredients except broth to your freezer bag.
3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to three months.
To Cook
1. Add ingredients to the crockpot with chicken broth.
2. Cook on “low” setting for 8 hours.
3. Cook Pasta per package direction and add to the crockpot when the sauce is finished cooking.
Serve over whole-wheat pasta or Steamfresh Zucchini pasta Serve with a Vegetable side
16. * BONUS* Meatball Minestrone Soup
Serves 6-8
*1 gallon-sized freezer bag
Parchment Paper
To Cook the Meatballs (skip this part if you are using frozen meatballs)
Ingredients for Homemade Meatballs
• 1 pounds lean ground turkey
• 1/2 cup skim milk
• 2 large eggs
• 1/2 package onion soup mix
• 4 oz. Frozen Spinach
• ½ cup Uncooked Old Fashioned oats
• 1 tsp. Montreal seasoning
• 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 1/2 teaspoon pepper
• Cooking spray
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. In a medium-mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients except tomato sauce. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
3. Mold your meat into balls using either your hands or a meat baller.
4. Bake on 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until internal meatball temperature registers 160 degrees.
Ingredients for the Rest of the Recipe
• 1 pound frozen turkey meatballs or fully cooked homemade meatballs
• 1 cup pound of carrots, peeled and sliced
• 1.5 cups of frozen green beans, ends cut off and chopped
• 1 cup Frozen Chopped Spinach
• 1 small onion, peeled and chopped (1 cup)
• 1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
• 8 oz can of kidney beans, drained and rinsed
• 8 oz can of cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
• 2 tablespoons Italian seasonings
• 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
• 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth *not needed until day of cooking
• 1 cup uncooked whole wheat pasta *not needed until day of cooking
To Freeze
1. Label your freezer bag with the recipe name, cooking instructions, and the date
2. Add all ingredients except pasta and broth to your freezer bag. 3. Remove as much air as possible, seal, and freeze for up to 3 months.
To Cook
1. Add to crockpot with chicken broth.
2. Cook on “low” setting for 8 hours.
3. Cook Whole-wheat pasta or SteamFresh Zucchini pasta per package directions.
4. Add pasta to the crockpot when the meatballs have finished cooking
Grocery List for all 16 Crockpot Freezer Meals
DRY GOODS (You can easily purchase all of these online if you prefer)
• 16 oz Black Beans, canned (Recipe 4,9)
• 16 oz Cannellini Beans, canned (Recipe 4,16)
• 16 oz Kidney Beans, canned (Recipe 8,16)
• 16 oz Cream of Chicken (Recipe 1, 12)
• 15 Cups Chicken Broth (Recipe 4,5,6,14, 15, 16)
• 16 oz Canned mushrooms (Recipe 5,8)
• Black Pepper to taste
• Sea Salt to taste
• 2 Packet (4 tsp dry mix) Chili Powder (Recipe 4,8)
• 2 Packet (4 tsp dry mix) taco Seasoning (Recipe 9,11)
• 1 Tablespon Montreal Steak Seasoning (Recipe 14) or about 2.5 tbs total if you are making homemade meatloaf
*2 Tbs. Italian Seasoning (Recipe 16)
• 2.5 cups BBQ Sauce (Recipes 13)-Annie’s Organic or TJ’s Bold and Smoky Kansas City are healthier BBQ sauces
• 2 Tbs. Worcestershire Source (recipes 14) or 3.5 total if you are making homemade meatballs
• 8 Tablespoons (1/2 cup) Honey (Recipe 3,5,7)
• 1/2 cup soy sauce (Recipe 7)
• 1/3 cup Ketchup (Recipe 7)
• 144 oz Pasta Sauce (Recipes 2,3,8,9,10,15)
• 4 Tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Recipe 5,7)
• 15 cups Chicken Broth (Recipe 4,5,6,8,14,15,16)
• 9 oz “Oven Ready” Lasagna Noodles (Recipe 10)
• 24 oz Whole Wheat Pasta (Recipe 11, 14)
• 8 oz jar salsa (Recipe 11)
• 8 oz jar Taco sauce (Recipe 11)
• 2, 9” x13” aluminum pans (Recipe 10,11)
• Cooking Spray (Recipe 10)
• 13 Gallon-size freezer bags
• 3 tablespoon cornstarch (Recipe 6)
* 1 Teaspoon Onion Soup Mix (Recipe 5) or 3 packets total if making homemade meatballs
*2 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar (Recipe 5)
*4 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Recipe 5,7)
* 2 Cups Old Fashioned Oats (Only if you are making homemade meatballs)
PERISHABLES (Purchase these in a grocery store either a day or two before your cooking day or on your cooking day)
• 7 Pounds Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast- Cut into Bite-size pieces (Recipes 2,3,4,5,6,7,12)
• 6 Pound Ground Turkey (Cook) (Recipe 1,8,9,10,11,12) or 10 pounds if making homemade meatballs
• 3 pounds of ground turkey to make meatballs OR 3 Pounds frozen Turkey Meatballs (Recipe 13,14,15
• 9 chopped small onions (Recipe 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13, 14, 15)-To Save time, you can by pre-chopped onion if you prefer
• 10 Cloves Garlic (Recipe 3,4,5,7,8,14)- To save time, you can buy garlic powder if you prefer
• 4 Green Pepper (Recipe 2,4,9,13)- or to save time, you can use the containers of sliced mixed peppers for all of the pepper recipes (The mixed peppers work fine in all pepper recipes even if the recipe calls for just one type of pepper)
• 2 Red Pepper (Recipe 4,13)
* 1 Yellow Pepper (Recipe 13)
• 2 large zucchini Sliced (Recipe 2, 15)
• 3 cup carrots, sliced (Recipe 13,14,15)
• 1 pound red potatoes (Recipe 6)
• 20 oz. light Cream Cheese (Recipes 3,4,6,11)
• 2 eggs (Recipe 10) or 12 total if you are making homemade meatballs
• 15 oz. light Ricotta Cheese (Recipe 10)
• 1 cup Shredded Parmesan Cheese (Recipe 10)
• 8 oz. light Mozzarella Cheese, Shredded (Recipe 10)
• 12 oz. (3 cups) light shredded Cheddar cheese (Recipe 1,11,12)
• 2 cup Frozen Corn (Recipe 4, 9)
• 5 cup Frozen Spinach (Recipe 10,14,16) or 6.5 cups total if you are making homemade meatballs
• 2.5 cup Frozen Green Beans (Recipe 15,16)
• 2- 16 oz Bags Green Giant Cauliflower or Broccoli Tots (Recipe 1, 12)
* Serve all with a vegetable side (I prefer quick and easy like the microwavable Frozen Birdseye SteamFresh Vegetables)
See Specific side recommendations below:
Cauliflower Cheesy Tot- No added starch needed
Chicken Masala- Serve over one of the following: Naan bread, Brown rice, or Birdseye SteamFresh Cauliflower rice
Chili Con Carne- Serve over one of the following: Brown rice or Birdseye SteamFresh Cauliflower rice
Chicken Chili-Top with Sour Cream and Tortilla Chips
Chicken Cacciatore– Serve mixed with one of the following: Whole-wheat Pasta or Birdseye SteamFresh Zucchini Pasta pr Green Giant Spirals
Mexican Chili- Serve with Sour Cream and Tortillan Chips
Cheesy Turkey Italian Meatballs- Serve as a sandwich in a whole-wheat roll or with whole wheat pasta or Birdseye SteamFresh Zucchini Pasta or Green Giant Spirals
Spinach Lasagna– No added starch needed
Crockpot Broccoli Tot– No added starch needed
Slow Cooker Mushroom Chicken- Serve mixed with Brown rice, or Birdseye SteamFresh Cauliflower rice
Cream Cheese and Onion Chicken Potatoes- No added strch needed, you could serve over brown rice or Birdseye SteamFresh Cauliflower rice
Asian Chicken-Serve mixed with Brown rice, or Birdseye SteamFresh Cauliflower rice
Mexican Pasta- No Added Starch needed
Sweet and Sour Meatballs-Serve mixed with Brown rice, or Birdseye SteamFresh Cauliflower rice
Turkey Meatball Vegetable Soup-Serve mixed with one of the following: Whole-wheat Pasta or Birdseye SteamFresh Zucchini Pasta or Green Giant Spirals
And there you have it! 15 freezer meals ready to go!
Kitchenware You Need Before You Start Your Monthly Freezer Meals
If you have read my post, ” How to Make 15 Freezer Meals in Under 3 Hours,” or been to my house, then you know making freezer meals ahead of time is a technique my family uses to stay organized, eat healthy, save money, and relieve dinnertime stress. Cooking freezer meals ahead of time can also help with weight loss and weight maintenance. Making sure your kitchen is stocked with essential freezer meal products and cookware is the first step.
These make ahead freezer meals have been life changing for me, and I love sharing how I do these freezer meals with you. I also wanted to share some of the freezer meal cookware and products I love to use. Some of them are freezer meal must-have products and some of them just make cooking freezer meals more efficient or fun. I included some of my favorite products that make dinner time easier and fun as well. * Note that I marked essential by the cookware/products that I feel are truly must-haves. The other products will make cooking freezer meals easier or more fun, but are not essential to start.
Must Have Products You Need for Making Freezer Meals
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So Here is My Favorite Freezer Meal Must-Have Products
When you are cooking multiple meals at once, then you may not want to slice ALL those vegetables by hand. This Spiralizer does it for you. I also love to sometimes serve my freezer melas with noodles made out of vegetables. The Spiralizer makes the vegetable pasta for you as well!
If you love to cook then you may want to invest in a really nice knife or two. I like having one really nice knife for cutting meat and one really nice knife for cutting vegetables. Cutco has some of the best knives around.
I also love Kitchen Aids Ceramic Knives set because with these you get no rusting, or odor and taste transfers from food to food. These are also dishwasher safe.
When you cook your freezer meals in bulk, you need a large pot. I use my pot to cook my ground turkey or lean ground beef all at once. This makes cooking a month’s worth of freezer meals all at once super fast.
When you cook freezer meals for the month all in one day, make sure you have all the freezer bags and aluminum casserole dishes you need to all your dishes. I like the freezer bags with sliders so that you know they are sealed.
My freezer meals make A Lot so I usually have leftovers. Pre-portioned containers helps me portion control my leftovers for a healthy lunch the next day.
If you are planning on making and freezing meatballs for some of your freezer meals, then a meatballer will help you save so much time. I use healthy turkey meatballs in many of my freezer recipes.
12. Muffin Tins *Must Have if you are planning on Freezing muffins, omelet muffins, or mini pizzas*
I often make mini healthy pizza or omelet muffins and freeze them for later. I like to freeze several at once so I use a large 24-cup muffin tin. You can also use a 12-cup muffin tin or even have fun with novelty muffin tins. My kids love it when I make food using our heart-shaped muffin tin.
My kids eat these famiy freezer meals as well. They loved them AFTER they decided to try them. My kids don’t like trying anything new, but these Kids’ Dinner Trays turns eating into a fun game!
Once you have all the cookware and supplies that you need you are ready to cook! Learn how to cook ALL of your Breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for a whole month in ONE day with the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook.
The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook not only includes a detailed healthy freezer meal plan and weight loss guide, but this ebook also inlcudes mindful eating strategies and techniques.
The “What is Preventing You From Living a Healthier Life?” interactive quiz
The Mindful Eating Guide
The importance of Faith
A Complete Healthy Freezer Meal Plan: You will learn how to cook all of your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for a whole month in ONE day. Don’t worry, I don’t just give you a bunch of recipes and tell you to cook them in one day. The ebook includes strategies and “Pro Tips” on HOW to efficiently cook your meals in one day.
The goals of cooking all of your meals in ONE Day are:
More daily free time,
A decreased grocery bill,
Healthier meals for the whole family,
Less daily stress, and
Weight Loss/Weight Maintenance
Learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook here.
“I have lost 17 pounds since I started eating these freezer meals. They are healthy AND taste great!!! We are now eating at home more, which has made a huge difference!” Chad, South Carolina
“As I read this book, I kept thinking, ‘this is so much more than a freezer meal cookbook! Lacy needs to be a life coach! She has such a positive outlook on life!’ “The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook is so uplifing and encouraging!” Wendy, South Carolina
“I can actually see a decrease in my grocery bill since I started eating these freezer meals, and my kids love them! We are eating healthier now. Plus, we are eating more meals together as a family!” Nicole, South Carolina
Click here to learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook
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