This list of nootropics was curated by a registered dietitian and is backed by research. But before we dive into the list of nootropics, let’s first define nootropics. Nootropics are a group of supplements that have been shown to improve memory, attention, and cognitive function of the brain. In fact, nootropics are often called brain boosters. Supplements that can prevent brain fog and even reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease would also be considered nootropics.

I like to focus on food first. In fact, according to research, nutrients appear to have the biggest impact when they are consumed as a part of food instead of singled out in supplement form. But for some, you may feel you are not getting quite enough of a nutrient in your daily diet. If this is the case, you may want to add a supplement.
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A Note on Supplements
While I take an optimistic approach to food and its benefits, I am more cautious with supplements for two reasons. One, they can be expensive, and two, we can take too much and become toxic. Some supplements can negatively interact with medications. Moreover, when you are taking a supplement that is shown to “boost” your immunity, this could theoretically cause your immune system to become overactive. Overactive immune systems could possibly trigger an autoimmune disease or allergies.
In the case of food, however, even if the research is preliminary and conflicting as far as a particular benefit; if the food is generally healthy, why not incorporate it in our diets?
The take-home message is always to talk with your doctor before taking supplements.
How to Choose a Supplement
Supplements can have a place in our life when we are not getting enough of a certain nutrient in our diet. Below is a list of my top favorite supplements. To approve a supplement, I look for supplements that are generally regarded as safe through research. I also look for supplements that are thirds party tested. Finally, I look for supplements that do what it says they can do according to ample research.
List of Nootropics
Nature Made Multi + Omega-3 Multivitamin
I like to be efficient; therefore, I like to get my brain supporting omega-3s in my multivitamin.
Omega-3, especially DHA Omega-3, may help prevent cognitive decline and promote cognitive function and thinking abilities according to both animal and human studies (1, 21, 22, 23).
Recent research has strongly indicated that Omega-3 may even be beneficial in treating traumatic brain injuries (52). However, most of the evidence comes from rat studies. A few human studies have suggested that Omega-3 supplementation may be helpful in the recovery of Traumatic Brain Injury (53).
Omega-3s as well as vitamins appear to be more effective when eaten in food than when taken as a supplement (54).
Vitality Kor Shot
Some of my favorite recipes contain turmeric, but, I don’t get to eat turmeric as much as I would like. The Vitality Kor Shot is another way for me to get my turmeric more often. Turmeric must be consumed with black pepper in order to provide immune benefits. Fortunately, these Vitality KOR Shots contain black pepper as well.
You can also find turmeric in pill form. When selecting a turmeric supplement, look for one that contains black pepper as well. Black pepper enhances turmerics effects in our body.
Gut Check Kor Shot
Not a supplement per se, but actually a juice shot. Still, you would take this juice shot, daily in addition to your meals. Similar to how you would take a supplement.
Studies in mice and humans show that animals and humans with mild cognitive impairment have a different gut microbiome make-up than that of non-cognitive impaired individuals (1, 12). Several rat studies have shown an increase in cognitive function and memory in rats given probiotics. Human studies have suggested that probiotics could benefit Alzheimer’s patients as well as promote general cognitive function, focus, and attention (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 38). In a randomized, double-blinded controlled trial, probiotics improved cognitive function in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (37).
Humm Zero
Another great probiotic source that I like to consume on a regular basis is Humm Zero. This kombucha stands out from other kombuchas because it has zero sugar because all of the sugar has been fermented out of the drink.
Karma Probiotics
Karma probiotic waters are fortified with probiotics as well. These drinks have a fun factor too! When you are ready to drink a Karma, you push a button on the top of the bottle and the powder in the lid mixes with the water!
One Handful of Berries a Day
Okay so berries are not a supplement, but I like to think of them as something you “take” every day to improve brain health. In fact, along with taking a multivitamin with Omega-3, I also consume a handful of berries every morning before starting my day.
Why are berries so important for the brain? Dietary intakes of berries and flavonoids appear to reduce rates of cognitive decline in older adults based on a study in Annals of Neurology (5), and in one study, older adults who ate 1 cup of blueberries for 90 days, saw a significant improvement in memory and their ability to accurately switch tasks compared to the placebo (58, 59).
Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Brain
Antioxidants in fruits (especially berries), vegetables, herbs, and spices promote a healthy brain. Omega-3 is also important for brain function. You can find omega-3 in foods like salmon, tuna, extra-virgin olive oil, walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds.
Regularly eating these foods may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and brain fog. Nootropic supplements may also promote brain function. I like to look for natural nootropic supplements like the ones in the list of nootropics above.