You have been struggling to lose weight; You feel like you have tried everything, but the weight just won’t come off. You could be struggling to lose weight due to a hormone imbalance because, according to research, imbalanced hormones and weight gain can go hand in hand.
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What is the Link Between Imbalanced Hormones and Weight Gain?
Several hormones can impact your weight:
- Leptin, Glucagon-like Peptide, and Cholecystokinin are hormones that help you feel full.
- Ghrelin, Cortisol, Peptide YY, and Neuropeptide Y hormones increase appetites.
- Both too much estrogen and too little estrogen can cause weight gain. Not enough estrogen can cause weight gain around the middle area of the body.
When these hormones are balanced, your body tells you that you are hungry when you need food, and tells you that you are full when your body has all the nutrients and calories it needs for the time being.
When these hormones are out of balance, your appetite could increase and your metabolism could slow, causing weight gain. This is how Imbalanced Hormones and weight gain are linked.
What Can Cause Imbalanced Hormones and Weight Gain?
Excessive stress, poor gut health, thyroid disorders, PCOS, diabetes, menstruation, menopause, and medications can contribute to hormone imbalance and weight gain. Fortunately, our diets can help bring our hormones back in balance.
Can Diet Effect Hormone Imbalance and Help with Weight Loss?
A poor diet can contribute to hormone imbalance. Inversely, a healthy diet can help rebalance your hormones, improve your gut health, and help kick-start your metabolism again.
If you are struggling with imbalanced hormones and weight gain or if you are just feeling yucky and want to see if changing your diet will help, I recommend picking up the book, The Women’s Guide to Hormonal Harmony: How to Rebalance your Hormones, Master your Metabolism, and Be the Boss of Your Own Body by Lacey Dunn MS, RD, LD, CPT.

You will be in good hands with Lacey Dunn. She is a dietitian who specialized in weight management and physique enhancement as well as thyroid disorder, PCOS, adrenal dysfunction, hormone imbalance, and metabolic resistance. Her book will cover what you need to know to transform our health!
You can read more about Lacey and her book here.
Supplements for Hormone Imbalance
Lacey Dunn also developed a supplement for hormone imbalance called Hormonal Harmony. You can check out her supplements here. BTW, you can get 10% off your Nourish Well purchase when you use my coupon code, LACYNGOMSRDN.