What is Tailwind and How Does it Grow Your Blog?
As a blog-from-home mom, I don’t purchase much for my blog, but Tailwind is a must! Tailwind is a pinterest scheduler and if you have had a chance to research blogging you know Pinterest is the #1 key to growing your blog. To grow your blog on Pinterest you need to pin often and at the best times of day WITHOUT being “spammy.” Pinning at the perfect times all day is almost impossible for many moms who blog in their spare time.
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This is where Tailwind comes in. This scheduler pins your pins for you at the best times!!!! Schedule your pins at the first of the week or even at the first of the month, and Tailwind will make sure your pins are getting pinned throughout the day, everyday.
In other words, you are growing your blog on autopilot. Talk about passive income!!!

Bonus: Tailwind Tribes
Plus you can join something called Tailwind Tribes. These Tribes allows bloggers to help and support each other. Basically for every pin you add to a Tribe, you must schedule someone else’s pin to one of your boards. In other words, you are pinning each other’s pins and thus increasing exposure of your pins! People will see your pins on other people’s Pinterest boards and possibly pin your pin. Then someone will see that pin and pin it again and so on and so on.
You can see why Tailwind is a must for bloggers who are trying to grow their blog AND still have time to do all the other things mom’s have to do.
You can actually try Tailwind for free by clicking here. If you are like me, you will find that you love it and can’t blog without it!
What Blogging Products I Was Willing to Spend Money On
Note: Remember when I said I don’t purchase much as a blogger. Here is what I have purchased so far:
Bluehost as my host
Pinterest Ninjas Ecourse (amazing course and less expensive that most!), and
Positive Promtions Logo Products
That is it! I Haven’t purchased anything else so far because I don’t want to spend a ton of money on my blog right now.
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