According to a Registered Dietitian
During the afternoon, I like to destress and unwind, but I still want to feel energized to help my kids get all of their afterschool homework and activities done. In other words, I want to unwind, but I don’t want to feel like I’m ready for bed yet.
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Here is My Afternoon Routine:
1. Breath and Say a Prayer in the Pick-up Line or on the Way Home From Work
I use the pick-up time or driving times as a time to destress. This is a time when you can slowdown, breath, and pray. This is my time to shift my mind from work mode to mom mode. I ask God to help me have patience and guide me as I speak to tired, hungry, overwhelmed children or to whoever I may meet on my after work outings.
2. Destress with a Calming, Healthy Drink.
To relax, I like to drink a kombucha or green tea. The antioxidants and probiotics in kombucha may play a role in helping you wind down after a long stressful day, and green tea contains L-theanine. Studies show that the EGCG and L-Theanine may help relax the brain without making you feel drowsy. Kombucha made with green tea will also have similar benefits. I like to drink this tea or kombucha while my children are eating their afternoon snack. If it’s nice outside, I enjoy sitting on the back patio while I drink my drink. My favorites are Tazo Green Tea and Humm Zero Kombucha. Humm Zero Kombucha has zero sugar because all of the sugar has been fermented out. I try to remember to say a prayer before I drink my relaxing drink. I thank God for providing a nourishing way for me to relax, and I thank God for this small moment.
3. Destress with a Mindful Prayer Before the Activities Begin
If I have time, I like to say this prayer while I go on a short 5 minute walk on my road, but realistically, I usually I close the door and say the prayer in the quiet of my bedroom. I focus on being present during this prayer. On the walk, I notice the colors of the season, listen to the birds chirping, and feel the breeze in my hair. In my bedroom, I still listen to the birds chirping and the sound of the fan whirling, and I notice the feel of the carpet under my feet. I like to take slow, deep calming breaths and silently pray in this moment. I think about all the things for which I am thankful.
And that is it. The afternoons are busy, so I don’t have time for much more, but really that’s all I need to keep me going for the rest of the day.
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