Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals: How it All Started
I love to cook, but I found that I didn’t have the time to cook everyday. Trying to juggle cooking, soccer practice, dance class, volunteer meetings, work, cleaning the house, and all the other “mom duties” was just causing too much stress. There just wasn’t enough time in the day to do it all AND cook. We would often find ourselves grabbing take-out, going to a restaurant, going through a drive through, or eating random less healthy stuff for dinner, and yet as a dietitian, I knew needed to figure something out.
Why This Is Life Changing
Eating healthy family meals together was important to me, and the chaotic meals were stressing me out. So I decided to cook it ALL AT ONCE. More specifically, I decided to cook enough breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to last my family a whole month, and I decided to cook it ALL in ONE DAY! Let me tell you, THIS WAS LIFE CHANGING!
My family now has more energy, more family time, less stress, and our bodies have even started changing. My family is eating dinners together, and we now have so much more free time in the afternoon. I am no longer spending my afternoons in the kitchen; instead I am now present with my children. And because I am less stressed, I am a happier, more relaxed, and more patient mom. In other words, I am now mindfully living in the moment during the afternoons instead of running around trying to frantically figure out what to feed my family for dinner. So I do not exaggerate when I say these meals have been LIFE CHANGING.
Because I have been making them for my family and friends for so long, I have learned the tricks and tips on how to efficiently and quickly make all my meals at once. Making freezer meals has become one of my passions and joys in my life. I wanted to share that passion with others, which is why I decided to write the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals “eBook.
In this ebook, I not only show you how to cook your freezer meals, but I also discuss how to plate and eat your food using mindfulness techniques.
In Faith…
Health is not just about our body; it is about the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. In “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals,” I talk about how my faith journey has helped me live a healthier life.
And Freezer Meals…
For this plan, you spend one day out of the whole month cooking all your freezer meal… then your are DONE COOKING FOR THE WHOLE MONTH! So you cook 14 breakfast, 14 lunch, and 16 dinner freezer meals. Most of the breakfast and lunch meals are divided into serving sizes so all you have to do is grab one and pop it in the microwave! Yep! Homemade…easy…microwavable freezer meals! The dinner freezer meals are packaged family style. Meaning you make all of it at once so that your whole family can enjoy the meal together. Of course, you can always cook it and then eat the leftovers for lunches too. Each meal lasts my family for 2 meals or more, so these meals EASILY lasts us 30 days (a whole month)!
The goals of cooking all of your meals in ONE Day are:
- More daily free time,
- A decreased grocery bill,
- Healthier meals for the whole family,
- Less daily stress, and
- Weight Loss/Weight Maintenance
No more worrying about what to cook or when am I going to cook each night. Since doing these freezer meals, our family is eating at home more because we are less likely to say, “There’s nothing to eat so lets just go out.”
As you can imagine, planning and prepping a months worth of freezer meals in one day is also a fantastic weight loss technique for ALL of the above reasons! Plus enjoying your food is probably one of the most important tips for lasting weight loss. These freezer meals are delicious, nutritious, easy, home-cooked meals that you can mindfully enjoy.

More Perks
Bonus 1: Many of these meals make fantastic appetizers or party foods so if you suddenly realize you are suppose to bring something to a Super Bowl Party (think Protein Blends Burrito Dip) or a ladies luncheon (think Crustless Omelet Muffins), you can grab one of your already done meals!
Bonus 2: You have food ready to go when a friend is in need. In my town, giving food is one way we show our love to one another. So whether your friend just had a baby or your aunt just had surgery, you can provide some food for them ASAP. These meals are perfect! Just grab one of your comfort food freezer meals and add a gallon of love and a pound of prayers, and go!
One more thing…
Because I am a registered dietitian, I wanted to include more to help you organize your kitchen and your life to promote a healthy lifestyle for the whole family. So along with the Freezer Meals I have included the “What is Preventing You From Living Your Healthiest Life?” interactive quiz as well as results and solutions based on your results.

What Others are Saying about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meal” ebook
“I have lost 17 pounds since I started eating these freezer meals. They are healthy AND taste great!!! We are now eating at home more, which has made a huge difference!” Chad
“As I read this book, I kept thinking, ‘this is so much more than a freezer meal cookbook! Lacy needs to be a life coach! She has such a positive outlook on life!’ “The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook is so uplifting and encouraging!” Wendy
“I can actually see a decrease in my grocery bill since I started eating these freezer meals, and my kids love them! We are eating healthier now. Plus, we are eating more meals together as a family!” Nicole
The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals ebook becomes available a few times a year. If you want to recieve an email when Mindfulness in Faith and Feezer Meals is open for sales again click here.

Copyright © 2018 Mindfulness in Faith and Food.
You are free to retain any and all content here for personal use, but need permission to use it anywhere else on the internet.
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Sounds like such a great resource!
Freezer meals is perfect for winter and back to school season when it always too snowy to go for grocery shopping or when the days always full of after school activities. Such a great book!
Ina, what a great point! Freezer meals ARE perfect for those snowed-in days!!!
What a great idea! I love trying to put together freezer meals .- they definitely help with the hustle and bustle of having kids!
Thank you so much Stephanie! I was just reading your blog btw, and I love it!
This is a brilliant idea! And I totally agree. Eating as a family together is so important to us, too. Just brings it all home in such a chaotic world. I’ll have to check out the book!
Thank you so much Elisha! I so appreciate your encouraging comments! I treasure that time eating as a family, and love that the food is already ready to go!
I’m a single woman, so I can’t imagine what it’s like to have to cook for an entire family as well as trying to wear all the other hats a woman has to wear at the same time! I’m all about freezer meals, actually, and have been for awhile. Every Sunday, I spend the day cooking for the entire week and freeze everything into portions. It makes it so easy to just pull things out and it keeps me from ordering pizza every night! I’ll definitely be checking out that book, too!
Yes! You hit the nail on the head…freezer meals def. keep me from ordering pizza or take-out! It is so nice to have something delicious already ready to go!
I love freezer meals especially when we all are too busy! I’m sure the ebook is worth it!
I love freezer meals! We’re on an elimination diet and have to avoid dairy, eggs, gluten and a bunch of other stuff. Would the book still be helpful, or is it more of a recipe book? Thanks this sounds like an amazing resource!
Hey Jessica, you have a great questions. The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook has a total of 22 chapters. Four of those chapters include the recipes and grocery lists for all the breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. So even if you don’t use the recipes, you can still get so much out of the book. Some of the recipes are dairy, egg, and gluten free, but many include some of these ingredients. For example, many of the breakfast recipes have egg as an ingredient. Thank you for asking a great question!
This is such a great idea! I’m going to send this to a friend who has gotten into freezer meals recently. Totally sounds like her thing!
Thank you so much for sharing this with your friend!
I haven’t done this recently, but when I did meal prep for the entire week, it was life changing! The prepping part isn’t as fun, but it saves to much time not to mention less stress for feeding the entire family.
This is such a brilliant idea! I don’t necessarily mind cooking, but I definitely agree it can be stressful when you’ve already got a million other things going on. Once my fiancee and I move into our first home this week, I really want to try this strategy out!
Yes! I completley understand. I actually love to cook, but just can’t find the time on a daily basis. That is why I love doing these freezer meals!
Such a great post and freezer meals look perfect to those days that you are not able to go out like snowy days or typhoon or anything about the weather.
What an awesome resource! You’ve got me motivated to start meal prepping and planning more 🙂
i really need to start doing this cause i’ve been spending way too much money on other foods that get me fatter lol
Hey Jena, I litterally just had two reviews come in. One reviewer said he lost 17 pounds on the freezer meals and one said she has noticed a significant decrease in her grocery bill. These two reviews came from my launch team after trying out the meals for a few months.
This book looks like such a great resource! I could totally pull off a full day of cooking for no more cooking that month!
Right?!?! Cooking them in one day makes life soo much easier!
I’ve been looking for something like this for ages. Are many of the meals toddler friendly?
The foods can easily be broken up into bite size pieces for toddlers. I have a 5 year old and an 8 year old, adn they both love the meals. Their favorite is the “Tator Tot” casserole!
Love everything about this! I have actually just started practicing this bc I am pregnant with our second!
Making freezer meals before a baby comes can be soooo helpful! Congrats on having your second little bundle of joy!
This sounds great. I always meal plan & create extra to portion up for the freezer. I have a teenager so it makes it so easy for him to grab a portion & reheat
Sounds amazing! I totally need to start doing this. I love to cook too, but since I started blogging there are just never enough hours in the day. Home-cooked meals seems to be one of the first things to get eliminated. Love the idea of cooking for a month in a day!
What a great idea, best of luck with the book!
So great! I’ve always been intimidated by freezer meals, that they might not taste great later. This is giving me hope!
What a great idea and topic! Thanks for sharing this with us 🙂
This is awesome!!! Congrats on the ebook. And I LOVE meal prepping with freezer meals – such a time saver!