Who is This Fix It with Food Course For?
- If you are overwhelmed by all of the conflicting nutrition and diet facts, and you want to feel confident that you are learning and sharing accurate nutrition information, the Fix It with Food course is for you.
After taking this dietitian-developed course, you will feel confident that you have the knowledge you need to help others (or even yourself) reach their health goals.
About the Fix It with Food Course
Fix It with Food is an online self-paced study that takes an in-depth look at the science of nutrition. Fix It with Food was developed by a nationally known dietitian and author. Her recent book climbed to the #1 New Release in its genre and was in the Top 100 overall on Kindle. Lacy is a registered dietitian who lost 50 pounds and transformed her health by implementing the most effective health strategies based on extensive scientific research.
What is a Registered Dietitian?
A registered dietitian is someone who studied Human Nutrition in college for 4 years, completed a 6 month to year-long nutrition internship, passed a state board exam, and went on to obtain a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition.
In This Course, Find Out Things Like…
- Which foods acted as fat blockers, fat burners, and appetite suppressants, according to research? (Yes, research suggests some foods do this, just not in the way you might think.)
- Which one food did people add to their diets to lose 20 pounds in 3 months without changing anything else about their diet?
- What one change did athletes make to their diets to help them run 6% faster?
- What diet changes did people make during a research study that helped them go into complete remission from their depression?
- What one food increased memory when one cup was added a day?
- What one change in the diet was the difference in 100% of virus-infected rats dying to only 39% of virus-infected rats dying?
- What one food seemed to drastically reduce seasonal allergy symptoms?
Find out all of this and so so much more. This course reveals in detail what the research actually says about the power of food. In other words, in this course, you will learn which foods do what.
This course covers A LOT! Of course, Fix it with Food discussed the best overall diet practices to drastically reduce the risk of chronic disease, cancer, mental disorders, autoimmune diseases, and more. BUT this course takes it a step further and analyzes the research about specific foods and what roles these specific foods play in the body. The amount of detailed nutrition information in this course is unreal!
And for those who do want to help your clients lose weight, the Fix It with Food course shares the weight loss strategies that, based on extensive scientific research, produce the most dramatic weight loss success. Let me just say, your clients won’t believe how much food they will need to eat!
*Note: If your client starts losing more weight than needed, you can omit some of these weight-loss strategies from their routine and diet. Being underweight is harmful and affects everything from your brain to your immune system.
In this course, you not only learn what the research says about the power of food but you will also…
- Find out how to start incorporating these powerful foods into your daily meals.
- Find out how to make your health-transforming meals taste amazing with the help of dressings, dips, and sauces. Let’s be honest, our foods would be pretty bland without our dressings and sauces, but when we pour on the less nutritious stuff, it can eliminate the benefits we were getting from our otherwise healthy meal. I have included 60 (Yes, SIXTY!) dressings, dips, and sauce recipes in this course!!! You basically have all that you need to make a wide variety of delicious meals.
Course Objectives
- Have an in-depth understanding of what the research says we should be eating (and not eating) to lose weight, reduce our risk of chronic conditions, improve our mood, and improve our cognitive function.
- Understand just how much the foods we eat can impact almost every aspect of life, from our moods, behavior, cognitive function, immunity, and overall health.
- Know what foods to eat to significantly decrease the risk of chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, mental disorders, cancer, accidents, and negative choices/behavior caused by brain fog and negative emotions.
- Know the amazing benefits specific nutrients can provide.
- Be able to describe what a healthy meal and healthy diet look like.
- Know the science-backed healthy eating strategies listed on the “Healthy Eating Checklist” provided in section seventeen.