70 Reasons How “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” Can Transform your Life

What is Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals?

Mindfulnes in Faith and Freezer Meals is a faith-based mindful living and nutriion ebook written by a registered dietitian. This book is so packed full of invaluable information that it is hard to describe it in one sentence (hence the need for this “70 reasons” post). So keep reading the list to truly understand what is in this book. But if I had to describe it in one (or three sentences) I would say this:

Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals is designed to help you live YOUR healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindfulness and nutrition. This book is perfect for busy families who want to eat healthy and organize their lives in order to follow God and server others more fully. Timesaving, make-ahead healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes, as well as mindful living and mindful eating techniques are included.  

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Find out all the reasons you will want Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals below:

70 ways that the faith-based mindful living and mindful eating practices explored in "Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals" transformed my life.
70 ways that the faith-based mindful living and mindful eating practices explored in “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” transformed my life.

70 Reasons you NEED Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals

The Perks to Learning to Live a Faith-Based Mindful Life

1. You want less stress in your life.

Mindfulness techniques have been shown to have a huge impact on stress. Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals provides detailed stress-relieving mindful living and mindful eating techniques. For me, the faith-based mindfulness techniques included in this book provide the greatest impact when it comes to stress relief.

2. You want to improve your mood through mindfulness.

Did you know preliminary observations show that Mindfulness programs in schools may improve social behaviors, mood, stress levels, and even academic performance and test score? Schools are even reporting less suspensions, detentions, violent incidents, principal visits, bullying, and classroom disruptions since incorporating mindfulness programs! If these mindfulness techniques can improve the moods of children in schools, perhaps they can help you too! 

3. You want to improve your brain function and focus through faith-based mindfulness.

Notice these school mindfulness programs seem to help with academic performance and test scores as well. Mindfulness techniques help clear our minds of all the other thousands of thoughts preventing us from focusing, and we know that stress can hinder our ability to focus and pay attention. This is where those stress relieving mindfulness techniques can be helpful. Plus, when we practice faith-based mindfulness, we learn to notice God in the present moment. Feeling God’s presence and knowing God is with us, provides peace and comfort like nothing else. Talk about a stress reliever.

4. You want more control over your emotions and actions.

When I practice faith-based mindfulness, I listen to God more. Listening to God helps me make better choices because I’m not letting negative emotions take control of my actions. (At least not as often, anyway)

5. You want to enjoy the present…

 6. And have a more positive outlook on life. 

One aspect of mindfulness is focusing on being present in the moment. Another aspect of mindfulness is focusing on the positive in your life in that moment. With faith-based mindfulness, you are focusing on how God is present with you in that very moment. While focusing on God’s presence you get to notice all the gifts from God and the beautiful little things in God’s world. Soon after incorporating some of these mindfulness practices, you may begin to notice that you have a much more grateful attitude. (This helps with everyday life situations and annoyances. Sometimes bad things happen and you will, of course, feel sad and upset. Those feeling are completely okay. You should let yourself feel them.)

7. You want to experience those goose-bump, “God is here,” moments a little more often. 

When I intentionally focus on God in the present moment, I actually SEE what God is doing in my life and the lives of others around me. By focusing on God in the present moment, I get to experience the feeling of amazement more often, and I WANT TO BE AMAZED!!! (Don’t we all want to be beautifully amazed?)

8. So the strategies in Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals are designed to help you feel closer to God…

9. And notice God as God guides you through your day.

10. You want to strengthen your walk with God.

Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals explores not only mindfully pausing and praying before eating, but also discusses mindfully pausing before doing anything! Pausing before eating was crucial for my nutritional health, but I began to notice how crucial the pause was in every aspect of my life. I began to notice the impact of pausing and praying before entering any new environment whether the new environment was a park, a friend’s home, or the grocery store.

Pausing and praying, was life changing. I began to notice the importance of pausing and praying when I felt angry, or before saying something difficult, or before even talking with my children. When I forget to pause, I noticed the difference in MY actions and my strength to endure life. On the days that I do a better job of pausing, I notice God’s presence and God’s guidance more.

The Perks to Cooking A Month of Meals in One Day

11. We have established that life is stressful, but meal planning and cooking shouldn’t have to be. 

I love to cook, but I found that I didn’t have the time to cook everyday. Trying to juggle cooking, soccer practice, dance class, volunteer meetings, work, cleaning the house, and all the other “mom duties” was just causing too much stress. Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals shows you how to cook a month of healthy freezer meals in one day. Talk about taking the stress out of cooking! I cook once, and I am done for the whole month. 

12. Your life is too busy!

To piggyback on #11, sometimes we just can’t find the time to cook healthy meals. When you prep and freeze them all at once, you have time for the other things you want to do.

13. You want to save money.

This book helps you save money in multiple ways. Because you have food on hand, you eat out less. We all know that eating out is expensive. Since you are cooking everything at once, you can bulk shop and thus get bulk prices. This book also provides money saving tips and tricks that I use while grocery shopping. My grocery bill has substantially gone down since I started freezer meal cooking. 

 14. I can serve others through food. 

Food nourishes, comforts, provides energy, and sustains us. After a long day, sitting down to eat gives us needed rest. Food is a gift from God, and when we eat, we are about as close to God’s creation as we can get. In fact, if you think about it, we are actually taking God’s creation into our bodies. So, I think, when we give someone food, it is the ultimate sign of our love for them. 

A benefit to having all of these freezer meals on hand is that we have food ready ASAP when our friends or family could use it. Whether a friend just had a baby or just got home from surgery, you have a freezer meal ready to give. 

15. You want more time to serve God and others.

Cooking, grocery shopping, and meal planning can be extremely time consuming. One of my priorities in life is to serve God and others.  With all my meals done, I have time to spend quiet time with God, and I have more time to love on and serving others in our community.  

16. You don’t have to make all your recipes at once, but if you do want to make them all at once, this book shows you how to do it quickly and Efficiently.

Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals provides steps and pro tips on how to make all the recipes in one day. These “Efficiency Pro-tips” are strategically placed where you would actually need the tip if you were making all the recipes at once. 

17. No need to make a grocery list.

Along with the recipes and “Efficiently Pro Tips,” a complete grocery list is included as well! Blank spots are even included in case you want to add snacks, paper products, or other misc. items to your grocery list. 

18. You want your kids to eat healthier, and these are kid-friendly make-ahead meal. 

19. You want more energy.

Healthy foods and less stress equal more energy. Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals provides both.

 20.You like good tasting real food.

Sometimes convenient food is not as tasty as the good ole’ home cooked stuff. Well, this is real home cooked food! But it is still convenient because you fixed it all in one day!

21. You want to eat at home more.

Before I started this freezer meal routine in my home, there just wasn’t enough time in the day to do it all AND cook. We would often find ourselves grabbing take-out, going to a restaurant, going through a drive through, or eating random less healthy stuff for dinner, and yet as a dietitian, I knew needed to figure something out. This make-ahead freezer meal routine was the solution I needed. 

 22. Meal planning is not only time consuming, it is mentally draining.

We often have such a huge mental load along with our physical load. Our brains have to organize and remember soo much information. After a long day, opening up that fridge, and trying to make yet another decision, is just too much. The meal planning is done when you do it all in one day! Seriously, many times I just grab the first freezer meal I see. They are all yummy so I know dinner is going to be good regardless of what I grab.  

23. You get to have one mindful day to yourself every month.

Mindfulness gives your brain a chance to rest. You rest your brain by centering or focusing your thoughts on one thing. Often times that one thing is breathing. Another component to mindfulness is focusing on the present moment. I use my cooking day as a chance to center my brain on one thing- cooking the food from God’s earth.

When I cook, it is just me and God in the kitchen. I say a prayer and thank God for this food, and for all the people who will be nourished by the food.

When I am stirring, I focus on stirring. I notice how the spoon feels in my hand, and how the food moves in the bowl.

You can also practice a little self-care during your cooking day. Turn on the music, or drink a glass of wine. The point is to slow down and be in the moment. Don’t focus on finishing fast. Remember, I provide efficiency tips so you don’t have to worry about that. In fact, frantically rushing often actually slows us down because we make mistakes.

24. You don’t want to keep buying healthy stuff, only for it to spoil before you get to eat it.

This was a huge problem for me before Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals. I would buy, say, healthy fruits and vegetables to make a salad, and I would really enjoy that salad. And I would even eat the salad again for lunch the next day, but then I didn’t want to eat the same vegetables for a third day. I wanted variety, but if I ate variety, my food would spoil. Now I have all these amazing vegetables and whole grains safely frozen so that I can change up what I eat. Now my food doesn’t spoil and…

25. I get to eat a variety of foods. With freezer meals, I can mix-and-match and change up what I am eating everyday.

26. You want to lose weight. 

I don’t want to focus too much on this because all sizes can be healthy. Some people are naturally smaller and some naturally weigh more. We have different builds and genetics. Plus, other things like medications, medical conditions, and even uncontrollable seasons in life can affect weight. 

But I also don’t want you to feel that wanting to lose weight is somehow wrong. You may want to see if weight loss will help you have more energy or help with a medical condition. Maybe you feel like you could keep up with your children more if you carried less weight, or maybe you want to see if weight loss can help with joint pain.

There are reasons you may desire weight loss, and fortunately mindful eating can help with weight loss while also helping you stop that food obsessing often associated with dieting.   The Mindful eating techniques, recipes, and nutrition tips provided in this book will help you feel full and notice your hunger/satiety cues. Moreover, the desire to binge decreases because you are actually enjoying your food ALL THE TIME.

In a nutshell, with Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals, you don’t need to focus on weight; you can just know that you are eating well by developing a routine using recipes and tips in the book. 

27. You want to maintain your weight.

Maybe you don’t want to lose weight, but you do want to maintain a healthy weight. The techniques, tips, and recipes in this book can help you maintain your weight as well. 

28. So we have established that this book shows you how to efficiently make all your breakfast, lunches, and dinners in one day, but what of you just want to make a month of dinners?

You can! The recipes and a complete grocery list for just dinners are also included.

29. And guess what. A complete grocery list for just the breakfast recipes is included too.

So if you have your dinners covered but want more breakfast meals ready to go, your can just make a month of breakfast meals if you prefer.

30. A complete grocery list for just the lunch recipes is included as well so you can also just make the lunches. 

31. You are about to have a baby, and you know you are going to be sleep-deprived and time-crunched soon.

I have had so many people report that these meals have been lifesavers when they were in the newborn phase of parenting. I even had a couple of moms tell me that they ended up having to be on bed restat the end of their pregnancy, and these meals were everything! 

32. When you are ready to eat breakfast or lunch (or even dinner if you want), all your need to do is microwave.

The breakfast and lunch recipes are pre-portioned because many of us eat our breakfast or lunches on our own. When it is time to eat, you can just put one of your meals in the microwave for 2 minutes, and it is ready!!!

33. Dinners are perfect of family meals.

In the ebook, I recommend packaging your dinners family style. That way you just simply throw your meal in the crockpot or oven, and your meal for the whole family is done!

34. You have healthy food ready to take to work.

These pre-packaged home-cooked microwavable lunches are PERFECT for work!

35. Meal prepping is one of the keys to weight loss.

Most of us need to get a little organized and form some sort of easy to follow routine in order to make real lasting changes. Well, Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals IS the ultimate meal prep book because the ebook shows you how to prep ALL your meals for a month at once!!! 

36. Another cool thing about having these freezer meals on hand is that you can host guests anytime.

Lots of these recipes work great for parties and socials! Having the girls over for a brunch? Just heat up some crustless quiches. Did you decide last minute to have people over to watch a football game? Throw the burrito dip into the crockpot, and you are ready to host! 

37. Enjoy more family time.

I am free to play with my children or help them with homework in the afternoons because I’m not cooking!

We are now consistently having family dinnertime together!  I get to have even more quality family time while sitting at the dinner table. 

The Perks to Mindful Nutrition and Mindful Eating

70 ways Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals Transformed my Life through Faith-based mindfulness and nutrition: mindful eating techniques and healthy make-ahead recipes included.
70 ways Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals Transformed my Life through Faith-based mindfulness and nutrition: mindful eating techniques and healthy make-ahead recipes included.

38. Learn mindful eating techniques as well as… 

39. Learn about the one prayer before a meal that stopped me (a dietitian) from overeating.

40. The Meals are family-friendly.

So for the recipes in Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals, I picked ingredients that are family-friendly, but still nourishing to the body.

41. It’s fun!

There is something about turning on the music and just spending some uninterrupted time in the kitchen one day each month (My meals last 3 months for my family, so I only cook these freezer meals once every three months!)

42. Sneak in more vegetables.

Having vegetables mixed in as part of your main meal, definitely can up your vegetable intake for the day!

43. You want to enjoy your food.

Many times, dieting and food rules, take the joy out of eating. Mindful eating brings the joy back tenfold.

44. You want to stop binge eating.

With mindful eating, you are always mindfully enjoying your food; thus, you never feel deprived. Therefore, your desires to binge eat decreases. 

45. You are tired of mustering up enough willpower to diet.

Remember if you are always enjoying your food, then you don’t need willpower.

46. You just want healthy, delicious recipes, but you don’t want to cook all your foods in one day.

You can still make these recipes one at a time whenever you want. There is no rule that says you have to cook them all at once if you don’t want to.

47. Healthy Snack Ideas are included.

Chapter 22 provides a list of healthy and EASY snacks!

48. A registered dietitian wrote the eBook. 

A registered dietitian, by definition, is considered the expert in the field of nutrition science. The term Registered Dietitian is actually different than a nutritionist. In fact, the term nutritionist is not a regulated term and has a more general meaning. The term, registered dietitian, however, is regulated much like the terms doctor or lawyer. In other words, you are not allowed to call yourself a doctor unless you are a doctor, and you cannot call yourself a registered dietitian unless you have completed all the academic and professional requirements.

To become an RD you must complete a bachelors degree at a college accredited by the Commission of Accreditation of Dietetic Education; complete 1200 hours of a competitive internship; pass the CDR Exam; and by 2024, all register dietitian will be required to have a master’s degree as well. Many RD’s already do. Registered dietitians are required to complete Continuing Education Units throughout their career to keep their registered dietitian credentials.

You can find amazing nutrition books by non-dietitians, but you can see why seeing that RD or RDN beside an author’s name in a nutrition book is a plus.

49. Mindful eating demo video is provided.

You don’t have to just read about mindful eating. The ebook also provides a link to an actual mindful eating demo video so you can actually SEE what mindful eating looks like. 

50. Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals not only discusses mindful eating, but also discussed how to mindfully plate your foods to prevent over-filling your plate.

51. A collection of over 300 dietitian-approved healthy eating and fitness tips and tricks are included like…

52. Snacking Tips (Chapter 6)

53. Dining Out Tips (Chapter 7)

54. Portion Control Tips (Chapter 8)

55. “How to Make Your Own Recipes Healthier” (Chapter 9)

56. “Health and Fitness Tips for Vacationers and Frequent Travelers” (Chapter 10)

57. “When my Work Environment Causes Weight Gain” (Chapter 12)

58. “Eating Healthy at Social Gatherings” (Chapter 12)

59. “Developing an Exercise Routine” (Part 1, Chapter 13)

60. “How to Exercise when Your Kids Are Always Around” (Part 3, Chapter 13)

61. “But What if I am Too Busy to Exercise” (Part 4, Chapter 13)

62. “Ways to Sneak Exercise into your Day” (Part 5, Chapter 13)

63. You can use your results from the included interactive quiz, to determine which tips and tricks you think would make the biggest impact in your life.

64. A “Putting it All Together: Routine Planning Worksheet,” is also included in the book.

You can use this worksheet to figure the habits you would like to implement into your routine. 

65. Learn how to organize your kitchen to promote lasting changes  

66. Feel satisfied and full after eating these freezer meals.

These meals are hearty, delicious, comfort classics done in a healthier way. They are also abundant in fiber, which helps you feel full. 

67. Along with fiber, these meals are full of essential vitamins and minerals. 

68. Mindful eating can aid in digestion.

How? Although most digestive enzymes are released in the stomach. Digestion actually starts in the mouth. In fact, one enzyme, called Salivary Amylase, is released in the mouth. This enzyme starts breaking down carbohydrates. Cool fact, if you let a piece of bread sit in your mouth for a moment, you may notice a sweeter taste. That taste occurs because the more complex carbohydrate breaks down into a simpler sugar. Also chewing thoroughly gives those other enzymes in your stomach more surface area to do their work, which again promotes healthy digestion and absorption. 

69. Mindful eating can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

We established in #68 that Mindful eating aids in digestion. Healthy digestion promotes gut health. Poor gut health is related to inflammation and reduced immune function. Gut health, inflammation and immunity are all linked to many condition including IBS, Crohn’s, Autoimmune Disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, stroke, brain function and focus, mood and even depression and anxiety, to name a few. So anything that promotes a healthy gut is something worth looking into in my book. (Fortunately, a mindful eating guide IS included in my book!)

70. What does Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals do as a whole?

Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals is designed to help you live YOUR healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindfulness and nutrition. 

What Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals is NOT

This Freezer meal plan is NOT a rigid “you must eat these freezer meals” plan. This isn’t about strict rules or dieting. Not eating these meals is NOT wrong. In other words, you have not messed up if you go out to eat one night or if you decide to fix something other than your freezer meals one night. If your routine changes sometimes, you have NOT broken a rule or failed. In fact, I provide eating out tips as well as other helpful tips about portion control, snacking, and more.

You can use these provided tips along with your freezer meals to customize a routine that works for your family. I have also provided a chapter on mindful eating. You can incorporate mindful eating everywhere and anytime. You will see how mindfully eating, in my opinion, is one of the number one ways to maintain and lose weight if this is one of your desires.

So read the step-by-step mindful eating guide and incorporate it even when your routine is out of whack. You can mindfully eat at home, at work, at restaurants, and on vacation. Mindful eating techniques travel well, so to speak. This meal plan is meant to make life and eating healthier and easier for you and your family. This plan just makes it easy to eat healthy meals when you are too busy and overwhelmed. This is for families who just want a simple routine to relieve the stress of meal planning and cooking.

How has Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals Helped You?

Has the Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals ebook changed your life in some way? Email me your transformation story by using the Contact Me form on mindfulnessinfaithandfood.com. Maybe you have even experienced another benefit from Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals that I haven’t even thought of. Please email me any of your stories and experiences. I would be so thankful that you took the time to tell me. 🙂

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Live Your Healthiest, Happiest, Most Purposeful Life with Faith-based Mindful Living

This blog on faith-based mindful living has been updated and is adapted from my book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, Most Purposeful Life

What do you want your life to look like? What about your children’s life? Are there things you would change? What does YOUR healthiest, happiest, and most meaningful life look like? 

I am a list person, so when I am asked this question, my immediate impulse is to make a list.

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My Mindful Living Checklist (Does your list look similar to mine?):

1.My greatest desire is to glorify God in all that I do. I want to show God’s love through kindness and giving. My prayer is that I listen for God’s guidance in every situation because when I listen to God, amazing things happen, and I WANT TO BE AMAZED!!!

2. I wish to have a peaceful and positive life and a grateful attitude. I want to enjoy the little moments by taking the time to notice God’s world and soak it up!

3. We humans seem to have a natural desire to work and create. We want to have meaning and purpose in our lives. This is true for me too. In my ideal life, I want to learn, grow, and work. I want to create something new, and in some small way make the world better. I want to challenge my mind through reading and learning from God and others, and I want to challenge my body through physical activity. 

4. Just as I desire to work, grow, and be challenged, I equally want to have time to rest, relax, and play. Sometimes finding the time to relax is the most difficult challenge in life, and yet so important for our health and our ability to serve God and others. 

What Do We Want for Our Children?

Of course, I want these things, even more for my children. One of my greatest joys is watching my children as they feel God’s presence. They look so peaceful and content. My 2ndgreatest joy is seeing my children show kindness to others, and my third greatest joy is witnessing my children living in the moment and appreciating the little things. 

We may all have different wishes and desires, but when we break them down, I’m guessing that this list is at the heart of most of our desires…

Live YOUR healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindfulness and nutrition.  For busy families who want to eat healthy and organize their lives in order to better follow God & serve others. Time-saving make-ahead meals, mindful living, mindful eating techniques included
Live YOUR healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindfulness and nutrition. For busy families who want to eat healthy and organize their lives in order to better follow God & serve others. Time-saving make-ahead meals, mindful living, mindful eating techniques included

But How Does Mindful Living Help Us Become This Person and Live this Healthy, Happy, Purposeful Life?

Well, I don’t fully know all the answers, but I do know a few things that help, and those are:

  • Spending time with God
  • Practicing faith-based mindful living techniques including Mindful eating
  • Mindfully eating foods from God’s earth that nourish our mind, body, and soul
  • Getting adequate rest, sleep, and physical activity

So that is where my book, 18 weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life comes in.  This book is designed to help you live YOUR healthiest, happiest, most meaningful life through faith-based mindful living and nutrition. 

The Life Changing Benefits of Mindful Living

There are many benefits to incorporating the mindfulness techniques discussed in 18 weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. In fact, mindfulness techniques are so beneficial that schools have even started implementing mindfulness programs.

Although more research is needed, current research indicates that implementing Mindfulness programs in schools may improve social behaviors, mood, stress levels, and even academic performance and test scores. Schools are even reporting fewer suspensions, detentions, violent incidents, principal visits, bullying, and classroom disruptions since incorporating mindfulness programs! 

The Benefits of Faith-Based Mindful Living are Overwhelming

If you think about it, these results make since, don’t they? Practicing mindfulness techniques can relieve stress and help us have better self-control. When we have less stress and learn to have more self-control, we tend to make better choices. Less ideal choices can sometimes cause even more stress, which brings us full circle. Furthermore, aren’t we better able to focus and learn when our brains are calm verses stressed?

So you can see how mindfulness activities can be so impactful, but for me, the most profound impact happens when I combine faith and mindfulness.

In 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life, We Talk About: 

1. Mindfully focusing on God’s presence in every moment. One aspect of mindfulness is about focusing on being present. But with faith-based mindfulness, you are focusing on how God is present with you in that very moment….

2. …And while focusing on God’s presence you get to notice all the gifts from God and the beautiful little things in God’s world.

 Let’s go back to that “Healthy, Happy, Meaningful Life list” because Faith-based mindfulness helps me fulfill that list like nothing else.

Here is How My Life Has Been Transformed Through Faith-based Mindful Living:

  • I listen to God more: Listening to God helps me make better choices. I’m not letting negative emotions take control of my actions. (At least not as often, anyway)
  • Now I am more at peace and filled with comfort because I am noticing God is with me everywhere.
  • I get to have more goose-bump-“I’m awe-struck” moments because when I intentionally focus on God in the present moment, I actually see what God is doing in my life and the lives of others around me. By focusing on God in the present moment, I get to experience the feeling of amazement more often, and I WANT TO BE AMAZED!!! (Don’t we all want to be beautifully amazed?)

Mindful Living Translates to Mindful Eating: The Prayer Before a Meal That Stops Me from Over Eating and Other Mindful Eating Techniques

Did you know learning to pause and pray is what finally helped me (a dietitian) stop overeating?

When you mindfully eat, you get to experience ALL these faith-based mindfulness benefits and more. Mindful eating gives us the opportunity to focus on God’s presence, feel gratitude for God’s gift of food, and rest our brain! We get to have mini mindfulness moments with God EVERY. TIME. WE. EAT!

With mindful breathing, we are pausing and centering out minds on one thing-breathing. When we are mindfully eating, we are still pausing and centering our brain on one thing, but this time that one thing is eating. With faith-based mindful eating, we are resting our brain by focusing on God and the food God provided. 

Some of the Other Benefits to Mindful Eating Are:

Weight Loss

I don’t want to focus too much on this because all sizes can be healthy. Some people are naturally smaller and some naturally weigh more. We have different builds and genetics. Plus, other things like medications, medical conditions, and even uncontrollable seasons in life can affect weight.

But I also don’t what you to feel that wanting to lose weight is somehow wrong. You may want to see if weight loss will help you have more energy or help with a medical condition. Maybe you feel like you could keep up with your children more if you carried less weight or maybe you want to see if weight loss can help with joint pain. There are reasons you may desire weight loss, and fortunately mindful eating can help with weight loss while also helping you stop that food obsessing often associated with dieting.   Mindful eating helps you feel full and notice your hunger/satiety cues. Moreover, the desire to binge decreases because you are actually enjoying your food ALL THE TIME.

Relieves Stress

Like the mindfulness practices above, Mindful eating is a stress reliever. Stress can cause weight gain so this is yet another way mindful eating helps with weight loss.

May Reduce the Risk of Many Chronic Conditions

Mindful eating can aid in digestion. How? When you mindfully eat, you take your time chewing your food. Chewing thoroughly gives your stomach enzymes more surface area to do their work, which again promotes healthy digestion and absorption.

Mindful Eating and Gut Health

These reasons, along with the ability to relieve stress, are how mindful eating can aid in digestion. Healthy digestion and stress relief promotes a healthy gut. Poor gut health is related to inflammation and reduced immune function. Gut health, inflammation and immunity are all linked to many condition including IBS, Crohn’s, Autoimmune Disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, stroke, brain function and focus, mood and even depression and anxiety, to name a few. So anything that promotes a healthy gut is something worth looking into in my book. (Fortunately, a mindful eating guide IS included in my books!)

How Can Nutrition Help You Live a Healthier, Happier, and More Meaningful Life?

Okay, this feels like a good place to talk a little about nutrition, and how in the world nutrition helps my family and me become those people and live that life listed in the opening paragraph. Healthy foods can help us focus, improve our moods, and give us the energy we need to serve God and others; learn and grow, and live a more positive life. 

In 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier More Purposeful Life you are provided with a list of nutrients and foods that promote cognitive function, boost mood, support the immune system, and reduce the risk of chronic disease and some autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. I know our children’s learning, behavior, and mood are important to us, so I picked ingredients that can help with focus, attention, behavior, and immunity. These amazingly beneficial foods are included in the Meal Builder Table in this book. With this table, you will be able to build a healthy meal on the spot. The possibilities are endless! You will be amazed at how easy it is to throw together a nutrient-packed meal!

Be Inspired to Take that Mindful Living Step

18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Live takes you on an inspiring and uplifting journey with me, a dietitian who has lost 50 pounds through faith-based mindful nutrition. Thanks to faith-based mindfulness and nutrition, I went from being weight obsessed to feeling healthy and happy in my own body. Ironically, during the process, I ended up, not only losing weight but also strengthening my walk with God. Now she feels healthier than ever, AND she truly enjoys eating! I am able to feed my mind, body, and soul nourishing foods and feel good in my own body without weight obsessing.

Related Posts

Cook Once a Month, Eat Healthy Everyday

My Prayer Before a Meal that Stopped Me from Overeating

The One Thing I Did to Lose Weight and Strengthen My Walk with God


  1. Aucoin M, Lalonde-Parsi M-J, Cooley K. Mindfulness-Based Therapies in the Treatment of Functional Gastrointestinal : A Meta-Analysis. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM. 2014;2014:140724. doi:10.1155/2014/140724.Bakosh LS.  Doctoral dissertation. 2013. Investigating the effects of a daily audio-guided mindfulness intervention for elementary school students and teachers. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. (UMI No. 3618722)
  2. Bakosh LS, Snow RM, Tobias JM, Houlihan JL, Barbosa-Leiker C. Maximizing mindful learning: An innovative mindful awareness intervention improves elementary school students’ quarterly grades. Mindfulness. 2015 Advance online publication.
  3. Diamond A, Barnett WS, Thomas J, Munro S. Preschool program improves cognitive control. Science. 2007;318:1387–1388. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
  4. Parker AE, Kupersmidt JB, Mathis ET, Scull TM, Sims C. The impact of mindfulness education on elementary school students: evaluation of the Master Mind program. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. 2014;7:184–204. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
  5. Parker AE, Kupersmidt JB, Willoughby MT.  An investigation of mindfulness education and self-regulation in middle school classrooms. 2014. Manuscript in preparation.
  6. Black DS, Fernando R. Mindfulness training and classroom behavior among lower-income and ethnic minority elementary school children. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2014;23:1242–1246. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
  7. Britton WB, Lepp NE, Niles HF, Rocha T, Fisher NE, Gold JS. A randomized controlled pilot trial of classroom-based mindfulness meditation compared to an active control condition in sixth-grade children. Journal of School Psychology. 2014;52:263–278.  http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsp.2014.03.002. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
  8. Hofmann SG, Sawyer AT, Witt AA, Oh D. The effect of mindfulness-based therapy on anxiety and depression: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 2010;78:169–183. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
  9. Semple R, Droutman V, Reid BA. Mindfulness Goes to School: Things Learned (So Far) from Research and Real World Experiences. Psychol. Sch. 2017 Jan 54 (1): 29-52. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5405439/
  10. Liu, R. T. (2017). The microbiome as a novel paradigm in studying stress and mental health. American Psychologist, 72(7), 655-667.http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/amp0000058
  11. Mayer E, Knight R, Mazmanian S, Cryan J, Tillisch K. Gut Microbes and the Brain:Paradigm Shift in Neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience. 2014;34(46):15490-15496. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.3299-14.2014.
  12. Rogers G, Keating D, Young R, Wong M, Licinio J, Wesselingh S. From gut dysbiosis to altered brain function and mental illness: mechanisms and pathways. Molecular Psychiatry. 2016;21(6):738-748. doi:10.1038/mp.2016.50.
Copyright © 2019 Mindfulness in Faith and Food.

You are free to retain any and all content here for personal use, but need permission to use it anywhere else on the internet.

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Mindfulness for Children

Benefits of Mindfulness for Children : May help improve mood, stress levels, social skills, and academics
Benefits of Mindfulness for Children : May help improve mood, stress levels, social skills, and academics

Benefits of Mindfulness for Children : May help improve mood, stress levels, social skills, and academics

How Can Mindfulness Benefit Our Children’s Mental Health?

Our children are just as busy as we are these days. Children often don’t have time to “stop and smell the roses,” and they often don’t have time to stop and express their emotions either. Did you know that because mindfulness techniques are so beneficial to children and their mental health that many schools have started incorporating mindfulness activities in schools? Even my children have come home talking about the mindfulness techniques they did in school that day. Our church has even started practicing mindfulness techniques to help our kids feel calm and ready to learn their Sunday school lessons.

According to “Time Magizine Special Edition: Mindfulness: The New Science of Health and Happiness,” research says Mindfulness, Kindness, and Meditation programs for children may improve social behaviors, mood, stress levels, and even academic performance and test scores.

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Three Components of Mindfulness

So mindfulness sounds pretty great, but what exaclty is it?

There are several components to mindfulness, and for this post I want to discuss three:

  1. Being in the Present. Mindfulness is about being in the present moment. The past is gone and the future has not happened, but the present is HERE and NOW. Think about it. What do we spend most of our time stressing and worrying about?…The past and the future. Think about how much less stress we would have if we learned to focus on the present moment. In my experience, even when the busyness doesn’t stop, mindfulness can help de-stress because we are focusing on the present moment instead of thinking about all that we have to do in the future. With mindfulness, your are taking life one day and one moment at a time.
  2. Approaching Life with Graditude. One aspect of mindfulness in focusing on the positive in your life in that moment. Again, according to “Time Special Edition Mindfulness: The New Science of Health and Happiness,” gratitude practices have been associated with improved kidney function, a reduction in blood pressure, decreased stress hormones, increased energy levels, and increased reports of happiness.
  3. Pausing and breathing before action. When we pause before we speak, eat, cook, clean, or enter a room, we give ouselves a moment to center our minds. When we pause before doing, we usually make better decisions. During the pause, we can take a deep breath and calm our minds; then, we can think about what action and words are best. Perhaps this pause can even help us focus and enjoy the present moment, and  help us choose kindness a little more often. The more often we choose kindness, the happier and less stressed we will be. Everyone feels better when we choose kind words and actions.

Mindfulness Techniques for Children

Mindfulness techniques give our brains time to rest, recharge, and even process our feelings. This is true for both adults and children.

Below are some mindfulness exercises I often do with my own children that help them de-stress and deal with their emotions:

  1. Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing is one of the classic mindfulness techniques and for good reason- it works! With mindful breathing we center our thoughts on one thing: breathing. Our brains have time to rest instead of thinking about 100s of things at once. Here is a quick example of a mindful breathing exercise for children:

  • Close your eyes (If you are somewhere where you feel uncomfortable closing your eyes, you can leave them open).
  • Take a deep (but slow) breath in; pause for about 3 seconds before slowly releasing your breath.
  • Do this about 3 to 5 times
  • While you are breathing, focus on your breath. You can do this by noticing your chest moving up and down, by noticing your stomach moving up and down, or by noticing your breath going in and out of your nose. Pick which one you would like to focus on.
  • Your thoughts may wonder and that is completley okay and normal. When you notice your thoughts wondering, simply acknowledge your thoughts and calmly re-focus on your breathing.

The Breath Prayer

Another type of mindful breathing is called the breath prayer. This is actually not something new. In fact, the breath prayer is an ancient Christian practise. With the breath prayer, you breathe similarly to the technique above, except when you breathe in and out you repeat a one sentence prayer. You can also use a simple one sentence scripture for your prayer.

A simple breath prayer with our children could go something like this:

  • Breath in slowly and say in your mind, “Thank you God..
  • Pause for about 3 seconds..
  • Breath out slowly and say in your mind, “…for the people in this room.”

For children of faith, a breath prayer can be a great way to calm and de-stress. A breath prayer is a fantastic reminder that God made this moment and is with us and guiding us in each moment. What a comfort to remember this throughout the day!

2. Minful Eating

Mindful eating can calm, relax, and recharge us in similar ways as mindful breathing. When you mindfully breath, your busy mind calms down by focusing on one thing: breathing. With mindful eating, your busy brain has a chance to calm down, and focus on one thing: eating.

Mindful Eating Basics:

Before eating, pause, look at your food, smell your food, and take the time to be thankful or pray. I often like to pray with my eyes open, so that I can look at the food I am thankful for.

The take your fitst bite. Focus on that bite. Notice the textures, the flavor, and your mouth chewing. Only focus on your eating. indful eating works best when the TV is off and the phone is put away.

Put the fork down while you are chewing. Many people prepare their next bite while chewing the one in their mouth. Try to avoid doing this. After you have completley swallowed your food; thake a sip of drink, and only then start preparing your next bite.

For more Mindful Eating Techniques click here.

3. Bedtime Breath Prayer and Mindful relaxing with

Breath prayers can be a calming way to fall asleep as well. I like to say a prayer thanking God for the soft bed and my cozy room. Before moving on to the Body Scan technique…

Another mindfulness techniques that helps children relax for sleeping is a body scan. I like to do the body scan like this:

  • As you lay in your bed, go through your whole body noticing from head to toe how your bed feels against your body.
  • First, climb under your covers and get comfortable.
  • Now start at your feet. Tighten your feet for a couple of seconds, then completley relax them. Notice how your feet feel against the soft bed. Notice how your warm blanket feels against your feet.
  • Next tense up your legs and then relax. Notice how the bed and blankets feel against your legs.
  • Repeat the same steps for your belly and back; then, your arms, and your head.
  • For your head, tense up your forhead and mouth, and when you relax your head, make sure you are relaxing your mouth, jaw and forehead. Relaxing your face muscles is my favorite part.

You can repeat this until you fall asleep or you may not get through the first round before you are off to dreamland.

More Resources

I hope these basic mindfulness techniques can help you and your child get started, but if you are ready to dive into mindfulness and learn more, there are plenty of amazing childhood mental health and mindfulness resources available. Checkout some of the mindfulness books for children and families below:

If you are searching for other excellent health education resources for kids and families, I recommend browsing Jumohealth.com. This site is full of information on physical and mental health topics for kids and their families.

Benefits of Mindfulness for Children : May help improve mood, stress levels, social skills, and academics

Related Posts

How to Mindfully Eat to Lose Weight: A Step by Step Guide

The One Prayer that Stopped Me from Overeating

What Does Mindful Living Have to Do With Emotional Eating?

The Mindful Planner: Free Printable

The ONE Thing I Did to Lose Weight AND Strengthen My Walk with God

The Mindfully Healthy Lunch Box

Copyright © 2018 Mindfulness in Faith and Food.

You are free to retain any and all content here for personal use, but need permission to use it anywhere else on the internet.

This site is hosted by Bluehost.

Bring More Mindfulness into Your Life with These Mindfulness Essentials

Great Gift Ideas for you and your loved ones!

*Updated November 5, 2018

First, What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is about being in the present moment. The past is gone and the future has not happened, but the present is HERE and NOW. Although you don’t need any products to start practicing mindful living, you may find some of these products helpful. So here is a list of some of my favorite mindful meditation apps, children’s books, mindful journals, mindful eating books, and more.

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Bring More Mindfulness into Your Life

Mindful Children’s Books, Games, Activities (Great for Adults too!)

Mindful Coloring Books

There is something about coloring that calms the soul! A friend once told me she loved to color a picture and pray for one person while she colored the page. I just love this idea!

Mindful Living Books and Journals

One important aspect of mindful living is taking the time to have quiet time. One of my favorite things to do during my quiet time is spend time with God. I love to use this time to pray, read scripture, write in my journal, and just be comforted by the presence of God. So I would be so delighed if I received a quiet time with God basket as a gift. The basket could include little gems like a mindful journal, relaxing tea and a inspirational mug. The basket could even include a calming sented candle and a scripture coloring book. Below I have listed some of my favorite quiet time basket gift ideas.

Relaxing Tea

Calming Scent Candles

Mindful Mugs

Mindful Eating Books

If you are interested in learning more about mindful eating, these are THE books for you.

18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life

18 weeks to a healthier, happier, more purposeful life cover

Perhaps you have struggled for years to feel happier, improve your health, or lose weight. You have tried countless diets, programs, and strategies, but all have fallen short. Something was always missing. You needed something more. To truly transform, you must address all of you-your mind, body, and spirit. This is the only way to experience drastic lasting change. This 18-week program address all of it! This program provides the exact steps that, based on scientific research, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success.

The Nourishing Meal Builder

The Nourishing Meal Builder
Create anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, mood boosting, immune supportive meals that reduce the risk of chronic disease and promote cognitive function, focus, attention, and memory.

Create a happier, healthier, more purposeful life with faith-based mindfulness and nutrition.

What’s included in The Nourishing Meal Builder?
-Lists of nutrients and foods that boost mood; promote cognitive function, focus, attention, alertness, and memory; support the immune system; aid in weight loss; and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, joint pain, and even seasonal allergy symptoms
-A simple Meal Plan Checklist
-A faith-based mindfulness and mindful eating guide
-Printable Meal Builder cards

The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook

Meal planning, weight loss, freezer meals ebook
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals eBook

If you are looking a Mindful Eating book with a detailed healthy freezer meal plan you will want to purchase the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook.

The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook has 22 Chapters full of helpful information and tips including:

  • The “What is Preventing You From Living a Healthier Life?” interactive quiz
  • The Mindful eating Guide
  • The Importance of Faith
  • A Complete Healthy Freezer Meal Plan: You will learn how to cook all of your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for a whole month in ONE day. Don’t worry, I don’t just give you a bunch of recipes adn tell you to cook them in one day. The ebook includes strategies and “Pro Tips” on HOW to efficiently cook your meals in one day.

    The goals of cooking all of your meals in ONE Day are:

    • More daily free time,
    • A decreased grocery bill,
    • Healthier meals for the whole family,
    • Less daily stress, and
    • Weight Loss/Weight Maintenance

Learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook here.

Check Out What Others are Saying about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook

“I have lost 17 pounds since I started eating these freezer meals. They are healthy AND taste great!!! We are now eating at home more, which has made a huge difference!” Chad, South Carolina

“As I read this book, I kept thinking, ‘this is so much more than a freezer meal cookbook! Lacy needs to be a life coach! She has such a positive outlook on life!’ “The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook is so uplifing and encouraging!” Wendy, South Carolina

“I can actually see a decrease in my grocery bill since I started eating these freezer meals, and my kids love them! We are eating healthier now. Plus, we are eating more meals together as a family!” Nicole, South Carolina

Click here to learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook

Check Out these Other Wonderful Mindful Eating Books!

Mindful living gift ideas; Mindful gifts great for the Christmas holidays
Mindful living gift ideas; Mindful gifts great for the Christmas holidays

Mindfulness Children’s App

So far I use one app, and I love it for children and adults. The app is called “Mindfulness for Children.” My children and I love using this app every night.

Bonus: Mindfulness Songs (Songs about Living in the Moment and Being Grateful)

You know how on vacation, we often leave our worries about the past and the future at home? From the moment we enter the car or plane, we seem to start living in the present moment. We turn on the music and just be. When we are on vacation, it is as if we put life on PAUSE, and we truly experience the present. Have you ever noticed that we often start living in the moment when that road trip first begins, and we often do this by listening to music?

Just think if we drove around on a daily basis living in the moment like we do on vacation. SO I want to include my favorite “mindfulness” songs in this post. These are songs about living in the moment, letting go of worry, and having gratitude.

“Breathe” by Jonny Diaz,

“Day One” by Matthew West

“Happy” by Pharrell Williams,

“It’s a Great Day to Be Alive,” by Travis Tritt

“Let it Be” by Geaorgia Florida Line,

“It’s Gonna Be a Good Life,” by One Republic, and (don’t laugh)

“Slow Ride” by Foghat (Hey it’s about driving slow and just enjoying the moment)

Are you read for this one:

“Let it Go” from Frozen (Think about it. It’s about letting go of the past and living in the moment!)

Click here to Get a Free 7-Day Mindful Planner printable and Join the Mindfulness in Faith and Food Family!

Final Thoughts

I could make this list longer, but I wanted to leave you with my absolute favorite mindfulness products. Do you have any favorite mindfulness products? I would love to hear about them.

Related Posts

Dietitian Confessions: Why Mindful Eating Works for Weight Loss

How to Mindfully Eat to Lose Weight: A Step by Step Guide

The ONE Thing I Did to Lose Weight AND Strengthen My Walk with God

Copyright © 2018 Mindfulness in Faith and Food.

You are free to retain any and all content here for personal use, but need permission to use it anywhere else on the internet.

This site is hosted by Bluehost.

How Does the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” Plan Work?

Healthy Freezer Meals, Healthy cooking, bulk cooking, meal planning
A Freezer Meal Healthy Eating Plan

Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals: How it All Started

I love to cook, but I found that I didn’t have the time to cook everyday. Trying to juggle cooking, soccer practice, dance class, volunteer meetings, work, cleaning the house, and all the other “mom duties” was just causing too much stress. There just wasn’t enough time in the day to do it all AND cook. We would often find ourselves grabbing take-out, going to a restaurant, going through a drive through, or eating random less healthy stuff for dinner, and yet as a dietitian, I knew needed to figure something out.

Why This Is Life Changing

Eating healthy family meals together was important to me, and the chaotic meals were stressing me out. So I decided to cook it ALL AT ONCE. More specifically, I decided to cook enough breakfasts, lunches, and dinners to last my family a whole month, and I decided to cook it ALL in ONE DAY! Let me tell you, THIS WAS LIFE CHANGING!

My family now has more energy, more family time, less stress, and our bodies have even started changing. My family is eating dinners together, and we now have so much more free time in the afternoon. I am no longer spending my afternoons in the kitchen; instead I am now present with my children. And because I am less stressed, I am a happier, more relaxed, and more patient mom. In other words, I am now mindfully living in the moment during the afternoons instead of running around trying to frantically figure out what to feed my family for dinner. So I do not exaggerate when I say these meals have been LIFE CHANGING.

Because I have been making them for my family and friends for so long, I have learned the tricks and tips on how to efficiently and quickly make all my meals at once. Making freezer meals has become one of my passions and joys in my life. I wanted to share that passion with others, which is why I decided to write the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals “eBook.


In this ebook, I not only show you how to cook your freezer meals, but I also discuss how to plate and eat your food using mindfulness techniques.

In Faith…

Health is not just about our body; it is about the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. In “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals,” I talk about how my faith journey has helped me live a healthier life.

And Freezer Meals…

For this plan, you spend one day out of the whole month cooking all your freezer meal… then your are DONE COOKING FOR THE WHOLE MONTH! So you cook 14 breakfast, 14 lunch, and 16 dinner freezer meals. Most of the breakfast and lunch meals are divided into serving sizes so all you have to do is grab one and pop it in the microwave! Yep! Homemade…easy…microwavable freezer meals! The dinner freezer meals are packaged family style. Meaning you make all of it at once so that your whole family can enjoy the meal together. Of course, you can always cook it and then eat the leftovers for lunches too. Each meal lasts my family for 2 meals or more, so these meals EASILY lasts us 30 days (a whole month)!

The goals of cooking all of your meals in ONE Day are:

  • More daily free time,
  • A decreased grocery bill,
  • Healthier meals for the whole family,
  • Less daily stress, and
  • Weight Loss/Weight Maintenance

No more worrying about what to cook or when am I going to cook each night. Since doing these freezer meals, our family is eating at home more because we are less likely to say, “There’s nothing to eat so lets just go out.”

As you can imagine, planning and prepping a months worth of freezer meals in one day is also a fantastic weight loss technique for ALL of the above reasons! Plus enjoying your food is probably one of the most important tips for lasting weight loss. These freezer meals are delicious, nutritious, easy, home-cooked meals that you can mindfully enjoy.

Meal planning, weight loss, freezer meals ebook
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals eBook

More Perks

Bonus 1: Many of these meals make fantastic appetizers or party foods so if you suddenly realize you are suppose to bring something to a Super Bowl Party (think Protein Blends Burrito Dip) or a ladies luncheon (think Crustless Omelet Muffins), you can grab one of your already done meals!

Bonus 2: You have food ready to go when a friend is in need. In my town, giving food is one way we show our love to one another. So whether your friend just had a baby or your aunt just had surgery, you can provide some food for them ASAP. These meals are perfect! Just grab one of your comfort food freezer meals and add a gallon of love and a pound of prayers, and go!

One more thing…

Because I am a registered dietitian, I wanted to include more to help you organize your kitchen and your life to promote a healthy lifestyle for the whole family. So along with the Freezer Meals I have included the “What is Preventing You From Living Your Healthiest Life?” interactive quiz as well as results and solutions based on your results.

Learn how to efficiently cook healthy make ahead freezer meals once a month; the ultimate bulk cooking and meal prep guide for families; developed by a registered dietitian
Learn how to efficiently cook healthy make ahead freezer meals once a month; the ultimate bulk cooking and meal prep guide for families; developed by a registered dietitian

What Others are Saying about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meal” ebook

“I have lost 17 pounds since I started eating these freezer meals. They are healthy AND taste great!!! We are now eating at home more, which has made a huge difference!” Chad

“As I read this book, I kept thinking, ‘this is so much more than a freezer meal cookbook! Lacy needs to be a life coach! She has such a positive outlook on life!’ “The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook is so uplifting and encouraging!” Wendy

“I can actually see a decrease in my grocery bill since I started eating these freezer meals, and my kids love them! We are eating healthier now. Plus, we are eating more meals together as a family!” Nicole

The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals ebook becomes available a few times a year. If you want to recieve an email when Mindfulness in Faith and Feezer Meals is open for sales again click here.

Cook all of your healthy meals in one day, learn mindfulness and mindful eating techniques, and learn how faith and nutrition are important for healthy and wellness
Cook all of your healthy freezer meals in one day, learn mindfulness and mindful eating techniques, and learn how faith and nutrition are important for healthy and wellness;

Copyright © 2018 Mindfulness in Faith and Food.

You are free to retain any and all content here for personal use, but need permission to use it anywhere else on the internet.

This site is hosted by Bluehost.

Mindfulness in Faith and Food Product Recommendations

Have you ever read product recommendations on someone’s website, and thought, “I want to get that product later,” but then later comes around and you can’t remember the name of the product, where you can buy it, or which post talked about the product the first place? Well, this has happened to me so I wanted a place where you could find a list of my favorite products. These are the products I have talked about throughout this website.

I hope you find this list a great resource of some of the best health, nutrition, and fitness products.

Health products, wellness, products, cookware recommendations
Health, Wellness, Fitness Products Guide

Disclosure: This site may provide affiliate links. (See full disclosure). 

Favorite Foods and Convenience and Packaged snacks

Three Ladies Brand Spring Roll Rice Paper Wrapper (2 Packs) Round, 22cm

Ole Xtreme Wellness Whole Wheat Wraps – 4 Pack Case – 8ct

BetterBody Foods Organic Quinoa, 1.5 Pound

Annie’s Naturals – Organic BBQ Sauce Orginal Recipe – 12 oz.(pack of 2)

For a Complete list of Dietitian Approved Healthy Snacks click here.

Favorite Cooking Appliances

12 Essential Freezer Meal Products and Cookware

6 Things to Do with Your Standing Mixer Besides Mixing Batter or Dough

You can checkout the KitchenAid standing mixers and attachments here. 

*Here is a money saving tip* I like going to DealYard.com to buy cookware like slow cookers at a discount.

Favorite Money Saving Apps

How I Cut My Grocery Bill in MORE than Half!

My Top 6 Money Saving Sites and Apps

*Sign up for one of my favorite grocery saving apps, ibotta for free and get $10 by clicking here!

*You can also sign up for the awesome monye saving app, ebates for free and get $10 by clicking here. 

Favorite Health, Wellness, and Fitness Products

Beachbody: Do Those Beachbody Programs Really Work?

You can Stream over 600 workouts and 100+ healthy cooking shows 14 Days FREE on Beachbody on Demand by clicking here

Why I am Loving MealEnders For Help with Weight Loss

Door Shoe Rack for Pantry Snacks

Why would you need a door shoe rack, you ask? A few years ago, I bought a similar shoe rack to the one below and hung the rack over the pantry door. I like the clear shoe racks so that my children can easily see what is inside. I keep healthy snacks like popcorn, cups of mandarin oranges, and whole-wheat crackers on the lower shoe compartments. These are snacks my children (and I) can easily grab anytime. I keep a small portion of their favorite not-so-healthy snacks in the higher shoe compartments. My children can’t reach these compartments and have to ask me if they can have these snacks.

Sheet Protector and Dry Erase Markers

In my “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook, I talk about how I place my grocery list in a sheet protector. By doing this, I can use the same grocery list every time I shop. I simply use a dry erase marker to mark off items I already have, and to mark off items as a grocery shop.

Fitness Dice

These are just a fun way to get in your workout.

Games That Promote Physical Activity

The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook

If you are looking for a detailed freezer meal plan and weight loss guide, you will want to purchase the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook.

Meal planning, weight loss, freezer meals ebook
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals eBook

The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook has 22 Chapters full of helpful information and tips including:

  • The “What is Preventing You From Living a Healthier Life?” interactive quiz
  • Mindful eating techniques and guide
  • A Complete Healthy Freezer Meal Plan: You will learn how to cook all of your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for a whole month in ONE day. Don’t worry, I don’t just give you a bunch of recipes adn tell you to cook them in one day. The ebook includes strategies and “Pro Tips” on HOW to efficiently cook your meals in one day.

    The goals of cooking all of your meals in ONE Day are:

    • More daily free time,
    • A decreased grocery bill,
    • Healthier meals for the whole family,
    • Less daily stress, and
    • Weight Loss/Weight Maintenance

Learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook here.

Here are a Few Reviews from the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” Launch Team

“I have lost 17 pounds since I started eating these freezer meals. They are healthy AND taste great!!! We are now eating at home more, which has made a huge difference!” Chad, South Carolina

“As I read this book, I kept thinking, ‘this is so much more than a freezer meal cookbook! Lacy needs to be a life coach! She has such a positive outlook on life!’ “The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook is so uplifing and encouraging!” Wendy, South Carolina

“I can actually see a decrease in my grocery bill since I started eating these freezer meals, and my kids love them! We are eating healthier now. Plus, we are eating more meals together as a family!” Nicole, South Carolina


eBook Resource

I used the “eBook Ninja” ebook by Megan Johnson to learn how to write, format, promote, and sell my eBook, and I could not have made the Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals eBook without it!

I also read her book “Pinterest Ninja.” This book helped my blog become successful through Pinterest. Both of her books were so helpful!

Mindfulness Products

Bring More Mindfulness into Your Life with These Mindfulness Essentials

The Mindful Planner: Free Printable

Faith and Health Gift Ideas for You or Someone You Love

The Ultimate Gift List for the Health and Fitness Fanatic

The Ultimate Gift List for the Christian Soul



Copyright © 2018 Mindfulness in Faith and Food.

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The Mindful Planner: Free Printable

The Mindful Planner Free Download!

Hi All! I am so excited about this free printable 7-Day Mindful Planner! Oh how mindfulness has changed my daily life. I mean…on the days I remember to embrace mindfulness and focus on the presence of God, I am so much more relaxed, and I make better choices. The days I forget to be mindful are a different story. My mindLESS days are a stressful blur and my choices…well, let’s just say I usually want a do-over by the end of the day.

I realized I needed to make mindfulness a priority so I decided to develop the 7-Day Mindful Planner.

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I love this planner!

mindful planner
The Mindful Planner

What is Included in this Planner?

The first page of the planner provides a mindfulness daily quick reference. Then the following pages include daily mindful Bible verses, space to include mindful exercise, as well as space for meal planning (mindful eating is a huge part of mindfulness).

My favorite part of the planner, however, is the mindful gratitude journal space. (A grateful attitude is also a huge part of mindfulness). In this section, you can reflect and write about the best parts of your day. What a fun way to end your day!

You can download and print as many of these free sheets as you need! I like to print enough for a month, and put them in a pretty binder.

Get the free 7-Day Mindful Planner and join the Mindfulness in Faith and Food family here.

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What Does Mindful Living Have to Do With Emotional Eating?

How to Mindfully Eat to Lose Weight: A Step by Step Guide

Bring More Mindfulness into Your Life with These Mindfulness Essentials

Dietitian Confessions: Why Mindful Eating Works for Weight Loss

The ONE Thing I Did to Lose Weight AND Strengthen My Walk with God

Related Products

The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook

The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook not only includes more mindful eating strategies and techniques, but this ebook also includes a detailed freezer meal plan and weight loss guide!

Meal planning, weight loss, freezer meals ebook
Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals eBook

The “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook has 22 Chapters full of helpful information and tips including:

  • The “What is Preventing You From Living a Healthier Life?” interactive quiz
  • Mindful eating techniques and guide
  • A Complete Healthy Freezer Meal Plan: You will learn how to cook all of your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for a whole month in ONE day. Don’t worry, I don’t just give you a bunch of recipes and tell you to cook them in one day. The ebook includes strategies and “Pro Tips” on HOW to efficiently cook your meals in one day.

    The goals of cooking all of your meals in ONE Day are:

  • More daily free time,
  • A decreased grocery bill,
  • Healthier meals for the whole family,
  • Less daily stress, and
  • Weight Loss/Weight Maintenance

Learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” eBook here.

What Others are Saying about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meal” ebook

“I have lost 17 pounds since I started eating these freezer meals. They are healthy AND taste great!!! We are now eating at home more, which has made a huge difference!” Chad, South Carolina

“As I read this book, I kept thinking, ‘this is so much more than a freezer meal cookbook! Lacy needs to be a life coach! She has such a positive outlook on life!’ “The Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook is so uplifing and encouraging!” Wendy, South Carolina

“I can actually see a decrease in my grocery bill since I started eating these freezer meals, and my kids love them! We are eating healthier now. Plus, we are eating more meals together as a family!” Nicole, South Carolina

Click here to learn more about the “Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals” ebook


Copyright © 2018 Mindfulness in Faith and Food.

You are free to retain any and all content here for personal use, but need permission to use it anywhere else on the internet.

This site is hosted by Bluehost.

God Knocks, God Whispers

 When God Knocks on the Door of My Heart…During Book Club

This article has been updated and is an adapation of a segment in 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This unique book was written by Lacy Ngo, a dietitian nationally recognized as a top expert in faith-based mindfulness and evidence-based nutrition. She shares the exact steps that, based on science, produce the most dramatic health and weight loss success in her book, 18 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier, More Purposeful Life. This book is like nothing you have ever seen before. It combines faith and science. Both are crucial when it comes to producing real change because real change involves the mind, body, and spirit. 

God Knocks, God Whispers

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Revelations 3:20

“Heeeey,” I heard someone call as they walked into the kitchen. Another one of my dear friends had arrived for our monthly health and mindfulness book club social.

We were all gathered in the kitchen and just catching up on all of our summer happenings. I was telling everyone about my son’s latest ninja warriors camp adventures, when the door bell rang.

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Who Could That Be?

‘Hmm, must be someone new to book club because this crowd usually doesn’t bother with door bells… or knocking for that matter,’ I thought to myself as I walked to the door.

Standing on the front porch was a nice looking young man. He had a bag full all different types of books slung over his shoulder and two books in his hand.

“Hey,” I said in a curious tone. After his friendly reply, he went into his reason for the visit.

His explanation went something like this, “I am selling these books to raise money for my college tuition. We are asking for a $20 donation or more…or less…or whatever you want to give for the books.”

As he spoke, he moved his arms forward to show the two books in his hands.

I looked down at the books as he presented them. There in his hands were a healthy foods book written by a RD (Registered Dietitian) and a Christian mindful peace book.

I looked down at the books and looked back up at him, “I think God wants me to buy these books.” I bluntly blurted out.

I went on to explain…(Pay very close attention here, because this is the important part)

“You see, this isn’t just any book club social going on right now, this is a mindfulness and health book club social. And I am a RD (Registered Dietitian) who writes a blog about health, faith, and mindfulness…AND the two books in your hand are a book about health foods written by a registered dietitian and a faith-based mindful peace book!”

We talked a little more about where he goes to school and about the other books in his bag. I was intrigued by another completely different book and asked him about it. Although I wanted that book as well, I decided to stick with the first two. I paid him, and he left.

“I’m probably going to write a blog about this,” I told him as he was leaving.

When I came back into the house, I told my friends about the awesome encounter. I showed them my books and told them about the one book I had wanted but didn’t buy. We were all excited about the events that had just unfolded; so filled with joy, we began the book club social.


Two Hours Later…

“Bye, thanks for coming,” I called out to all of my friends as they left my house.

“I can’t wait for the next one,” someone called out as they were shutting the front door.

‘Aww, that was so much fun,’ I thought as I picked up the plates and leftover appetizers.

I was putting the plates in the sink when one of my friends comes back into the house.

“Lacy, you know that other book you had wanted?”

“Yes?” I replied.

“The guy selling the books left it on your front porch!” she exclaimed.

“What?!?! How a amazing is that!” I felt like he had left that book as a way of saying that he had felt the significance of what had just transpired as well. I was truly amazed!

Thank God for Those Unexplainable Moments

This young man’s kindness touched my heart. I went to bed so thankful for God and for those unexplainable little God moments in our lives. The next morning I awoke overcome with emotion. I thanked God for the events of last night. On my knees, I cried and prayed. I prayed for the young man, his school, and my book club friends.

I hope I never forget the conversation the three of us had on that front porch. This young man and I talked, but God’s quiet whisper was the loudest and most beautiful voice of all.

“After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.” 1 Kings 19:12


Soon after purchasing these books, I began reading the one written by the dietitian first. I was even more convinced that I was meant to read this book. You see, I am a registered dietitian, and I felt lead to combine my nutrition knowledge with my faith on this blog, Mindfulness in Faith and Food. At the time of purchasing this book, I was in the process of writing a faith-based nutrition book, and I was nervous about how it would go. Was I doing the right thing? Opening my door and seeing this young man holding a book written by a dietitian was the encouragement I needed. And when I started reading the book, I was even more encouraged. On the first page (her acknowledgement page) she wrote about following her passion as God leads and about looking to God for guidance in every situation. Later in the book she discussed the positve impact faith has on our health. When I bought this book, I knew I was buying a book by a registered dietitian, but I didn’t know that she talked about her faith in the book as well! Doesn’t that make this story even more amazing!

Please Share Your Thoughts

If you found this “God Whispers” story helpful, I would love to hear about it! I also love hearing other’s God moment stories. Do you have any stories about when God whispers in your life? Please share your ‘God Whispers’ stories with me. You may comment below or send me an email.

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If you enjoyed this “God Whispers” story, you may also enjoy my other “God Moment” stories.

We Prayed and Then This Happened!

We Ran Out of Gas

The Desperate Prayer: What if I Didn’t Praise God in the Storm?

God Follows Through

Why Are You So Afraid?

God Moments: Did That Just Happen!

Is God Real?

Copyright © 2018 Mindfulness in Faith and Food.

You are free to retain any and all content here for personal use, but need permission to use it anywhere else on the internet.

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