Wow, there are a mountain of reasons The Nourishing Meal Builder will transform your life, and I didn’t list them all, but below are…
51 Reasons The Nourishing Meal Builder will transform Your Life!

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1. You want less stress in your life.
Did you know certain foods may help reduce stress! This book provides a list of nutrients and foods that may help relieve your stress!!!
2. This book also provides stress-reducing mindfulness techniques.
Mindfulness techniques have been shown to have a huge impact on stress. The Nourishing Meal Builder provides detailed stress-relieving mindful living and mindful eating techniques. For me, the faith-based mindfulness techniques included in this book are one of the most impactful ways to relieve stress.
Did you know that certain foods may help us focus, improve our moods, and give us the energy we need to serve God and others; learn and grow; and live a more positive life?
3. You want to improve your mood through nutrition
According to research, certain foods may improve mood and can possibly even help with mood disorders like depression.
4. You want to improve your anxiety through nutrition.
Just like depression, some foods have ant-anxiety properties. A list of these foods are included in this book.
The Nourishing Meal Builder includes both a list of nutrients and a list of foods that, according to research, may reduce the risk or alleviate the symptoms of many conditions. So this book may be beneficial if…
5. You want to have a list of foods that support your immune system.
6. You want reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.
7. You want to improve your blood glucose levels.
8. You want reduce your risk of some cancers.
9. You want to reduce your risk of Alzhiemer’s and Dementia.
10. You want to improve your memory.
11. You want to reduce joint pain or arthritis pain.
12. You want to reduce your seasonal allergy symptoms
13. You want to reduce your mucus drainage and phlegm.
14. You want to reduce the frequency of stomach issues like bloating, distention, constipation, gas, stomach cramps, and heartburn or GERD.
15. You want to improve your acne.
16. You want a list of foods that help with sleep.
17. You want a list of foods that may reduce the risk of some autoimmune disease.
18. You want a list of foods that may reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
19. You want to reduce the frequency of headaches.
20. You want to reduce the symptoms of asthma.

21. You want to improve your mood through mindfulness.
Did you know preliminary observations show that Mindfulness programs in schools may improve social behaviors, mood, stress levels, and even academic performance and test score? Schools are even reporting less suspensions, detentions, violent incidents, principal visits, bullying, and classroom disruptions since incorporating mindfulness programs! If these mindfulness techniques can improve the moods of children in schools, perhaps they can help you too!
22. You want to make better choices and behave better throughout the day.
When we are in a better mood, we tend to make better choices. So this is how mood-enhancing foods can help with behavior in kids and adults. Moreover, when we are less stressed, we make better choices as well. So if we eat foods that help with stress, could this improve our behavior? (Hey, we adults have bad behavior too sometimes, right?)
23. You want to improve your focus through nutrition.
According to research, the nutrients and foods listed in The Nourishing Meal Builder may help with cognitive function, focus, and attention.
24. You want to improve your brain function and focus through faith-based mindfulness.
School mindfulness programs seem to help with academic performance and test scores as well (according to research). Mindfulness techniques help clear our minds of all the other thousands of thoughts preventing us from focusing, and we know that stress can hinder our ability to focus and pay attention. This is where those stress relieving mindfulness techniques can be helpful. Plus, when we practice faith-based mindfulness, we learn to notice God in the present moment. Feeling God’s presence and knowing God is with us, provides peace and comfort like nothing else. Talk about a stress reliever.
25. You want more control over your emotions and actions.
When I practice faith-based mindfulness, I listen to God more. Listening to God helps me make better choices because I’m not letting negative emotions take control of my actions. (At least not as often, anyway)
When I practice faith-based mindfulness, I listen to God more. Listening to God helps me make better choices because I’m not letting negative emotions take control of my actions. (At least not as often, anyway)

26. You want to enjoy the present…
27. And have a more positive outlook on life.
One aspect of mindfulness is focusing on being present in the moment. Another aspect of mindfulness is focusing on the positive in your life in that moment. With faith-based mindfulness, you are focusing on how God is present with you in that very moment. While focusing on God’s presence you get to notice all the gifts from God and the beautiful little things in God’s world. Soon after incorporating some of these mindfulness practices, you may begin to notice that you have a much more grateful attitude. (This helps with everyday life situations and annoyances. Sometimes bad things happen and you will, of course, feel sad and upset. Those feeling are completely okay. You should let yourself feel them.)
28. You want to experience those goose-bump, “God is here,” moments a little more often.
When I intentionally focus on God in the present moment, I actually SEE what God is doing in my life and the lives of others around me. By focusing on God in the present moment, I get to experience the feeling of amazement more often, and I WANT TO BE AMAZED!!! (Don’t we all want to be beautifully amazed?)
29. So the strategies in The Nourishing Meal Builder are designed to help you feel closer to God…
30. And notice God as God guides you through your day.
31. You want to strengthen your walk with God.
The Nourishing Meal Builder explores not only mindfully pausing and praying before eating, but also discusses mindfully pausing before doing anything! Pausing before eating was crucial for my nutritional health, but I began to notice how crucial the pause was in every aspect of my life. I began to notice the impact of pausing and praying before entering any new environment whether the new environment was a park, a friend’s home, or the grocery store.
Pausing and praying, was life changing. I began to notice the importance of pausing and praying when I felt angry, or before saying something difficult, or before even talking with my children. When I forget to pause, I noticed the difference in MY actions and my strength to endure life. On the days that I do a better job of pausing, I notice God’s presence and God’s guidance more.
32. Your Life is Busy and Meal Planning can Sometimes be stressful.
Sometimes we just can’t find the time plan and prep our meals, but we still want to find a way to get nourishing foods on the table. With The Meal Builder cards included in The Nourishing Meal Builder, you can build and create amazing meals on the spot!
You want to Feel Your Best so that you have more energy to Serve God and Others
When our mood, gut health or energy levels are in the pits or when we find ourselves dealing with illnesses and other conditions on a daily basis, it can sometimes be hard to live to our fullest potential each day. We won’t be able to control everything, but the food we eat can greatly improve our health so that we feel our best. Feeling our best, having energy and a positive outlook on life can sometimes make it a little easier to show love to others. (Don’t we usually act better when we feel better?)
33. You want more time to serve God and others.
Figuring out what’s for dinner can be extremely time consuming. One of my priorities in life is to serve God and others. Now that creating nourishing meals is so easy, I have time to spend quiet time with God, and I have more time to love on and serving others in our community.
34. No need to make a grocery list.
Just use your Meal Builder Cards (included in The Nourishing Meal Builder)
35. You want more energy.
I know you probably hear this all the time, but when I say eating these nourishing meals from The Nourishing Meal Builder improves energy, I am not exaggerating. Now that I have become more intentional about my food, I am able to live life to its fullest from morning to night.
36. You like eating delicious food.
With The Meal Builder Cards, you get to put together flavors and ingredients that YOU like and…
37. It’s so much fun!
I cannot even begin to describe how FUN cooking has become now that I use the meal cards. I get so excited as I start combining cards, wondering what meal is going to be created!!!!
38. You want to eat at home more.
Now you can, because it has never been so easy to throw together a nourishing meal on the spot!
39. Meal planning is not only time consuming, it is mentally draining.
We often have such a huge mental load along with our physical load. Our brains have to organize and remember soo much information. After a long day, opening up that fridge, and trying to make yet another decision, is just too much. The meal planning is done for you with the Meal Builder Cards!
40. I get to eat a variety of foods.
This list of foods on The Meal Builder Cards is HUGE! The possibilities and combinations truly are endless. And, of course, you can add your own favorite veggies and seasonings if you would like.
41. You want to lose weight.
I don’t want to focus too much on this because all sizes can be healthy. Some people are naturally smaller and some naturally weigh more. We have different builds and genetics. Plus, other things like medications, medical conditions, and even uncontrollable seasons in life can affect weight.
But I also don’t want you to feel that wanting to lose weight is somehow wrong. You may want to see if weight loss will help you have more energy or help with a medical condition. Maybe you feel like you could keep up with your children more if you carried less weight, or maybe you want to see if weight loss can help with joint pain.
There are reasons you may desire weight loss, and fortunately mindful eating can help with weight loss while also helping you stop that food obsessing often associated with dieting. I have also provided a list of foods and nutrients that have been shown to help with weight loss.
In a nutshell, with The Nourishing Meal Builder, you don’t need to focus on weight; you can just know that you are eating well by developing a routine using the Foods in the book and incorporating mindfulness and mindful eating into your daily life.
42. You want to maintain your weight.
Maybe you don’t want to lose weight, but you do want to maintain a healthy weight. Of course, this book can help you maintain your weight as well based on the same reasons listed above.
43. Enjoy more family time.
We are now consistently having family dinnertime together! I get to have even more quality family time while sitting at the dinner table.

Even more Reasons The Nourishing Meal Builder will Transform your Life!
Learn mindful eating techniques as well as…
44. Learn about the one prayer before a meal that stopped me (a dietitian) from overeating.
45. You want to enjoy your food.
Many times, dieting and food rules, take the joy out of eating. Mindful eating brings the joy back tenfold.
46. You want to stop binge eating.
With mindful eating, you are always mindfully enjoying your food; thus, you never feel deprived. Therefore, your desires to binge eat decreases. Plus these nourishing foods are super filling and satisfying!
47. You are tired of mustering up enough willpower to diet.
Remember if you are always enjoying your food, then you don’t need willpower.
48. Healthy Snack Ideas are included!
49. A registered dietitian wrote the eBook.
A registered dietitian, by definition, is considered the expert in the field of nutrition science. The term Registered Dietitian is actually different than a nutritionist. In fact, the term nutritionist is not a regulated term and has a more general meaning. The term, registered dietitian, however, is regulated much like the terms doctor or lawyer. In other words, you are not allowed to call yourself a doctor unless you are a doctor, and you cannot call yourself a registered dietitian unless you have completed all the academic and professional requirements.
To become an RD you must complete a bachelors degree at a college accredited by the Commission of Accreditation of Dietetic Education; complete 1200 hours of a competitive internship; pass the CDR Exam; and by 2024, all register dietitian will be required to have a master’s degree as well. Many RD’s already do. Registered dietitians are required to complete Continuing Education Units throughout their career to keep their registered dietitian credentials.
You can find amazing nutrition books by non-dietitians, but you can see why seeing that RD or RDN beside an author’s name in a nutrition book is a plus.
50. Mindful eating can aid in digestion.
How? Chewing thoroughly is a part of mindful eating and chewing thoroughly also gives your stomach enzymes more surface area to do their work, which promotes healthy digestion and absorption.
51. Mindful eating can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
We established Mindful eating aids in digestion. Healthy digestion promotes gut health. Poor gut health is related to inflammation and reduced immune function. Gut health, inflammation and immunity are all linked to many condition including IBS, Crohn’s, Autoimmune Disease, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, stroke, brain function and focus, mood and even depression and anxiety, to name a few. So anything that promotes a healthy gut is something worth looking into in my book. (Fortunately, a mindful eating guide IS included in my book!)
And there you have it! 51 Reasons The Nourishing Meal Builder can Transform your Life! You can find our more or purchase The Nourishing Meal Builder ebook here.
Lacy Ngo, MS, RD is a registered dietitian. Her company is called Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC. Mindful Vending, a dietitian owned and operated vending company, is one component of her company. She is also a blogger and author books, Mindfulness in Faith and Freezer Meals, The Nourishing Meal Builder, The Nourishing Meal Builder: Gluten-free, Dairy-free edition, and Faith, Mindfulness, & Nutrition.
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