Now available!
Fix It with Food: The Course

Fix It with Food is an online self-paced study that takes an in-depth look at the science of nutrition. Fix It with Food was developed by a nationally known dietitian and author. Her recent book climbed to the #1 New Release in its genre and was in the Top 100 overall on Kindle. Lacy is a registered dietitian who lost 50 pounds and transformed her health by implementing the most effective health strategies based on extensive scientific research.
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Get a quote and book here: https://www.faynutrition.com/dietitians/lacy-ngo
Benefits of Private Counseling with the Dietitians at Fay Nutrition
- 85% of clients reach or maintain their target weight
- 85% of clients see improved lab results
- 79% of clients safely reduce or avoid the use of medications
- 90% experience improved mental health!
- Fay Nutrition selects from the top 1% of dietitians/nutritionists near you and in the country.
Learn more, get a quote, and book here: https://www.faynutrition.com/dietitians/lacy-ngo
Now available!
The Jesus Diet: A 40 Spiritual Weight Loss and Wellness Journey
#1 New Release in Women’s Personal Spiritual Growth AND Top 100 Kindle Books!
Welcome to the Mindfulness in Faith and Food, a dietitian owned mindfulness and wellness website and blog. There is so much to explore, and this is a great page to start. I hope you find hope, encouragement, and ideas throughout this website. Browse the clickable images below to find what you are looking for.
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About Lacy Ngo, MS, RDN & the Faith-Based Mindfulness Approach
Dietitian, Lacy Ngo, ironically lost 50+ pounds AFTER she stopped focusing on weight, and started focusing on nourishing her body while enjoying her food through faith-based mindfulness…
AND Her mood, stress, and anxiety levels as well as her asthma and seasonal allergies improved…
Then, she wrote everything she did and still does in her books and courses.
I hope you find something that inspires you! Thanks for visiting!
With Love,
Lacy Ngo, MS, RD